01 Chap 09

CALIN:  Feeling Dolhanna stir in my arms as the alarm goes off I kiss the top of her head. “Evening baby.” Hearing her small sigh of contentment, I remind her we are on patrol tonight. Stretching, then pulling her into my arms giving her another kiss, I get out of bed and tell her I will give her twenty more minutes or else. She throws a pillow at me just as I duck into the bathroom. Taking care of a male’s needs first, I’m ready for my shower to wake my ass up and get ready for patrol tonight and to kick some Inert ass. Stepping into the hot stream of water; shit feels real good on my back. After a few minutes, feeling my muscles loosen up, I soap up, shampoo, rinse and get the hell out. Grabbing a towel, I dry off and walk back into the bedroom. Looking at Lhanna sprawled out on the bed, hair all disheveled and her beautiful breasts are bared calling to me. My shaft jumps to attention. Damn. Looking at her, I growl more than speak; “You wait til we get the fuck back home baby, I have serious plans for you.” Her response is she can hardly wait. Watching as she gets out of bed and those long, lean, muscular legs take her towards the bathroom, I smack her ass as she goes by. Hearing her laugh and squeal at the same time she runs into the bathroom.
Smirking, I go into our closet and get my gear ready for tonight. Hotter than hell out there, but the leather is a necessity. Pulling on boxer briefs, I reach for my leathers next; pulling a black tank top on then grabbing a leather vest which will conceal my weapons, my sox and combat boots. Sitting on the chair in the closet I get my boots on and go back in the bedroom just as Lhanna turns off the shower. Standing in front of the mirror I pull my hair back and tie it off. My female saunters out of the bathroom and goes to get dressed. My eyes never leaving that sweet ass. Ten minutes later she comes out dressed similar to me; coming up to me she puts her arms around me and I hug her back. “I know this goes without saying baby, but I’m going to say it anyway, you be fucking be careful out there tonight.” She kisses me and says she always is; we head out into the kitchen to see what Aron has made for first sitting. I’m starved.

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