02 Chap 09

DOLHANNA:  “DAMN IT!! Shit eating Inert bitch!” Grabbing my arm to try and staunch the flow of blood from the gash received by that crazy ass female Inert. She got her one shot before I turned her ass into a pile self disintegrating goo. Pulling out my knife I cut the bottom of my tank top, wrapping the strip around the gash to try to slow the steady stream of blood flowing from the wound. Yoon and Faqihi come from the back of the alley; Yoon’s lip is busted and Faqihi’s cheek is bruising. It isn’t a good fight unless you come out with battle wounds. Seeing the blood running down my arm; Yoon looks at me in question. “General, are you going to be able to vapor back to Scarsdale? You are losing a decent amount of blood.” Looking at him; “I’m good Yoon, but I need to go now. I’m going directly to Doc Niko and the med center. You two ok?” At their nods, Faqihi replies they were staying to continue with their patrol. With that, I nod at them and vapor to the med center. 
Forming in the front of the med center, my head is spinning; I need to get inside now. Stepping through the door, I make my way down the sterile corridor, bee lining for Niko. Passing a couple of nurses who jumped up at the sight of my arm, I need Niko. The hall is swaying or is it me?? “Niko!” Slumping against the wall, a nurse comes up behind me and guiding me into an exam room. Laying me on the gurney, my eyes try to focus on the tall figure in the door frame. Niko quickly comes to my side, “Aha hana lo'ohia Lhanna??”

NIKO: Hearing the commotion in the hallway, someone calling out my name, I step out of my office and see the General Baobhan-Sith leaning against the wall, blood running down her arm. Taking off down the hall as a nurse gets her into an exam room, I get to the room and ask Lhanna what happened. Inert. Son of a bitch. Lifting her arm I inspect the wound and see no muscle has been severed. That’s good; still, must have been one helluva knife. Going to the sink washing my hands first, I take the offered hypodermic from my nurse Wendelyn. “Lhanna, I need to clean the wound and stitch you up, it’s going to hurt a bit, I’m giving you a local to help numb the area first. Makaukau? <Ready?> At her nod, I place the needle to her skin. Wendelyn brings over a small basin and an antiseptic solution, looking at Lhanna she nods. Pouring the antiseptic over the wound, she hissed through her teeth but doesn’t move otherwise. Blotting the wound, I rinse it again. She is starting to heal already; but the stitches are going to help. After about 20 minutes the 7 inch gash is closed. “Lhanna, you need to call Calin to come get you. You need to feed, sleep and you will be good as new tomorrow.” I know she is going to argue with me on this. Not an option and the glare I level on her let’s her know I’m not backing down on this. 

LHANNA:   Hearing Niko tell me I need to call Calin to come get me, I try to disagree. Knowing him the way I do, he is not going to cave; I slowly sit up and get my phone out of my pocket, the action causing me to wince. Pulling up Calin from my contacts, I call him... not even two rings and he picks up. “Babe, DO NOT freak out, OK??” On the other end in a very, low deep voice he says, “Just WHAT am I not freaking out about Dolhanna?” I tell him, I got cut by an Inert and I’m fine but I needed him to come bring me home. Not two minutes after hanging up I hear his heavy footfalls in the corridor. Looking towards Niko I raise my eyebrows as he scrubs a hand down his face just as Calin storms into the room like a male gone wild. Looking me up and down to see if I am indeed ok, his eyes are a deep purple, filled with concern, his nostrils flared.

CALIN:  “Lhanna!! Are you OK?? Shit, what the hell happened baby??” Taking my females hands in mine, looking her over one more time, I see the bandage on her arm. Turning to the doc, “She’s good right?? “ Nothing fucks with a mated male more than his female getting hurt. It happens; we are warriors and we fight. Doesn’t make it any fucking easier. “Come on baby, we are going home.” Doc steps up telling me she just needs to feed and rest. She will be fine come tomorrow. Taking her hand we walk out of the med center, my arm around her waist for added support, she looks pale. I know she needed to walk out on her own two feet in front of the med center staff; stepping into the warm humid night, I look at her in askance; nodding her head, I scoop her up into my arms and we vapor back to the Estate.

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