RODMYN: Rolling over, my eyes open slowly and I realize that I slept like the dead for the first time in a long time. Stretching, I notice that weird ass feeling is gone! Aight, now THAT’S what I’m talking about! Lying there thinkin’, I can’t wait to get into some of momah’s cooking; garlic potatoes, cheese grits, scrambled eggs, biscuits with country gravy and bacon. Just then the shades go up for the night. Stretching one more time, I kick the covers off and put my size 14’s on the floor. Looking down at Roddy Jr, “Dude we in momah’s house...now is not the time.” Adjusting myself, I head to the bathroom and turn the shower on. I take care of a personal need and step my ass in the shower.
Damn, I can’t believe how good I feel... It like a whole new me! I feel like I’m a hundred and fifty again! Rinsing off, I step out the shower and reach for a towel, drying myself off, the towel smells like magnolia’s. Momah makes her own special rinse. Wiping the mirror down with my towel so I can get a shave, I stop and stare at the reflection looking back at me. WHAT THE FUCK!!??? Feeling my heart start to race, my breathing is rapid and the shock of what I see has me startin’ to panic. Panicking ain’t gonna help nothin... Calm the fuck down Rod. It’s all good. Closing my eyes, takin’ a deep breath; I open my eyes again and look in the mirror. My fucking eyes ain’t golden orange no more...they’re fucking blue! I feel like I still look like me at least I THINK I do, but I really don’t. I’m still the handsome motherfucker that I am, but my eyes... Storming back to the bedroom I grab my Sean John’s and stuff one leg in then start hoppin’ around trying to get the other leg in. Falling onto the damn floor, I finally get both legs in my jeans and reach for a black tank top when momah’s words come back to me...”It makes me very unhappy to see you in such a way.” Ahhh hell!!! Running down towards the kitchen and the smell of the first meal of the day; yelling at the top of my lungs.. “MOMAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!”
 Coming to a halt down the steps, "momah! You care to explain???" Pointing at my eyes, I wait to hear what she says....