11 Chap 09

LHANNA: Walking into the living room, I’m greeted by Jewels and Bear. After giving them ample loving, I beeline straight for the bedroom; Calin is already dressed and ready to go. After buckling his boot he looks up at me with a lopsided grin and a wink. Goddess, I love him with everything I am. Going to him, I slide my arms around his waist, as he pulls me in closer and kissed me hello. Pulling back from him smiling, “Baby, don’t EVEN think of starting that now. We have to go check out Penn Station. We got that lead that Inerts are gathering in the bowels of the station. Give me 10 mins to change and we can head out.” Judging by the way his eyes went from purple to lavender, he has every intention of finishing this later. I give him a sexy look that says, “Bring it,” before walking into the closet, stripping as I go I reach for my leathers.

CALIN: Hearing the front door open and the dogs whining happily, I know Dolhanna has just come in. Damn good timing. Just as I finish getting my boots on she comes into the bedroom; looking at her, I have to grin. Pulling her into my arms, I kissed her soundly. Stepping out of my embrace she tells me “not to start something we can’t finish right now.” Looking at her with a big ass promise of things to come later, “well go get your ass ready so we can do what we need to, and come back.” Watching her ass as she walks into the closet to go change. Damn. Checking my weapons again, can never be too safe, everything is good to go. We aren’t fighting tonight just doing a quick check the shit out, see what’s going on and we are out. Lhanna comes back into the bedroom in her leathers, stops and straps the blade to her ankle, 9mm’s under her vest. “You ready baby?” Walking through the suite, Jewels and Bear are anxious to go too. They have proved themselves worthy in the field. “You two are going with Caleb to do some more training, you can come next time.” Bending to scratch them both behind an ear, I reassure them and we head out of the suite to get outside to vapor to Penn Station.

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