10 Chap 09

LHANNA: Having contacted the new transfers, I’m up to my eyeballs in paperwork. Finally getting through the mound of apartment assignments, contracts, medical records and more. I come to Rego’s paperwork. A small smile forms on my lips. It will be good to see his surly ass again. I still have to wonder at Calin’s slight resistance at having Rego here. We haven’t been spending much time together. In fact, since we got back from the Bahamas we have barely seen each other accept to sleep for the day. With all the changes going on, there has been very little time for us to have some quality time together. I’m going to have to do something about that later on today. The new warriors coming in will be here by the end of next week. Things will be a whirlwind of activity. Finishing up Rego’s transfer papers he’s the last one. Thank the Goddess for that. Stretching my arms above my head, cracking my back I hear a knock at the door. “It’s open!”

NIKO: Hearing Dolhanna call out to”It’s open”, I open the door and step through; “Aloha Lhanna. You have a minute?” At her smile and nod, I close the door and walk to the massive desk taking a seat in one of the leather chairs in front of it. “I hope I am not disturbing you. I just wanted to see if you have received the medical histories for the new warriors coming in. I had my assistant scan the medical records of the warriors leaving onto flash drives and send them out to their new facilities. I had him email them as well. The actual charts are filed down in the medical records vault. If you have them ready, I can have Thaddeus start creating their charts so when them come in for their physicals all will be ready.”

LHANNA:  Listening to Niko, I reach to my left picking up 3 large pendaflex file folders with all the medical records of the warriors that will be stationed here at the Estate. “Your timing is perfect Niko. I just received the last one today and was going to send them down to you later on.” Handing him the files, I smile. “How about a drink??” He nods and I get up from the desk and make my to the curio. Grabbing two glasses and a bottle of Jamison Reserve, I pour, handing one to the doc. Sitting in the chair beside him we clink glasses and take a drink. “How is everything down at the med center? Is there anything you need?”

NIKO:   Taking the files from Lhanna, “You are always so damned organized.” Grinning as I place the files on the desk in front of me I nod as she asks if I would like a drink. “That would be great, thanks.” Watching as she pours the Jamison, “Everything is great at the med center. All the equipment is state of the art and running well. We are good for now. Lhanna I will have to get a bottle of Okolehao, Hawaiian moonshine, you could compare it to a fruit brandy. I can make an authentic Hawaiian meal for you and the General. I love to cook so it would be my pleasure to have you over.” Taking a sip of the whisky I let the warmth slide through me. Finishing the Jamison in one swallow, I set the glass on the desk and stand. “Hey, thanks for the drink Lhanna, I actually have a date tonight and need to get back to my place and get ready. Winking at her, I grab the folders, give a squeeze on the shoulder and head for the door. “We will set up dinner plans soon OK??” I head out of the office and back to the med center.

LHANNA: Laughing, “I have to be organized! Look who I work for and am mated to!” Okolehao?? Sounds good, I can’t wait to try it. I had no idea you could cook! I look forward to it; I’m sure Calin will as well, food is involved. We will definitely set something up.” Watching as he finishes his drink and rises, taking the medical records he gives my shoulder a squeeze. I’m glad he has a date, wonder who the lucky female is. Niko is a great catch... I will have to think of someone to introduce him too. Nodding and smiling, “Definitely. I can’t wait to taste what you have cooked.” With a sigh, I get up and take the glasses back to the curio and go back to my desk. Calin and I are going out for a few hours tonight to just check on some tips we received. Diving into the last of the paperwork to get it done; I hate a messy desk. An hour later, my desk is nice and neat again. Pushing away from the desk, I will the lights off and with a wave of my hand, open the door, walking through it. Throwing the lock with my mind, I head back to the suite to gear up to do recon with Calin.

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