07 Chap 10

RODMYN: Talking to my boy Liotta, I hand him a beer. “It's been great havin' my momah here; but I wish she was in her own room. Love her to pieces but she crampin' this males style, know what I mean man? Grinning, I keep talking, “yeah the females better watch out once she go back to Nola. I waggle my eyebrows at him. I'm gonna be hittin' the gym hard, pats my stomach, momah sure can cook, one of the many things I really miss about having her close. Nobody can make gumbo like my momah." Taking a sip of my beer I look over at Liotta. "Why you so fuckin quiet today??" He shrugs and grins at me taking a pull off his beer. So I just keep talking. "She worries about me though; when we go out on patrol;" makes my voice all high and squeaky, "Now Rodmyn, you be careful, make sure you go out on the buddy system. Are your weapons loaded? You have on clean underwear??" I start cracking up until I see Liotta’s eyes go wide and I feel a tap on my shoulder and my momah say, “ I KNOW you don’t think that is what I sound like??” Oh.Shit. Watching Liotta all but run out the damn door, some warrior he is... “Chicken!!!!” Turning to momah smiling at her... “Heeeeey momah, didn’t hear you come in.” All she does is arch that eyebrow the way she does that says, “Roddy you are in for it.”

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