13 Chap 10 Going to Ireland

LHANNA:  Getting a weekend bag together for the flight to Ireland; I toss the last of what we need in the bag. We will take the jet tonight, fly to Ireland, go underground at a private airport where our contact has everything set up. We will go to the farmstead the following evening, see if there are any relatives of his left, clear out the house and burn it to the ground. Pulling at the zipper more roughly than needed, my fangs drop in anger at what Ryanne had been through. This is the least I can do to try to make it right. We are taking 5 other warriors and Macri, an explosives expert with us. He can level anything and just leave ash behind. The thought of burning the farmstead gives me some satisfaction, but not much.

CALIN: Walking into the room, I see my female roughing up the luggage. “Easy babe, that fucker is dead and I wish I had the pleasure of killing him all over again. Seems like he wasn’t looked upon to kindly by his staff. He left a will stating everything go to an associate of his by the name of Aengus Carney who is in residence now. I did some digging and this piece of shit was tyrannical and abusive.” Putting my arms around Lhanna trying to calm her, “let’s see what we find when we get there, OK baby?” Kissing the top of her head, I go to change my clothes and get ready to leave.

Maynooth, Ireland

LHANNA:   Vaporing into the yard of the sizeable farmstead, we look around the vast property for any sign of danger, with executed hand signals 4 warriors head around the back of the manor house while Macri, Stiles, Calin and myself take the front. Carney was well aware we were coming but we can’t be too safe... Hands on weapons we approach the front entrance. Calin knocks on the door. Several seconds later a stout woman answers the door, her eyes going wide as tears pool in them. Nodding, “Aye come in, come, we been expectin ya Generals!!” She steps aside and we enter the foyer. 

CALIN: Knocking on the door, an elderly woman answers; apparently happy as hell we arrived. Stepping through the entrance, hand on my sig, I stay alert, ready. The servant looks at us, does a curtsey as best her old legs will allow and gushes, “I cain’t believe tha Generals o’ the Royal Garda be here in this house.” Lowering her voice, looking toward Lhanna, “Mistress, please, please tell me that muh wee Ryanne made it to ya safe??” Lhanna nodded at her and the old women gasped, clasping her hands over her mouth. On a shuddering breath, she says, “Praise be, it does this auld woman good ta know muh wee one is safe.” She starts to sway and I reach out a hand to steady her. “What is your name gentle woman?” “Me name be Enid master. Them bastards did horrible, terrible things to tha wee lassie.” She says on a sob. Fuck. I look to Lhanna who has murder in her eyes, which are now a pale green. 

LHANNA: Hearing Enid confirm what we knew I finally find my tonguer; “Enid, go raibh maith agat as a bheith cineálta Ryanne.” <Enid, thank you for being kind to Ryanne.> Tell me, this Aengus Carney who was willed the house; did he, was he one of the ones who hurt Ryanne as well as Dirmuid??” At her nod, “Where is he?” “In the parlor mistress, down tha hawl and to tha left, ya cain’t miss it.” Looking at her eyes so filled with hope. “Enid, there are warriors at the back of the house, you go and gather the rest of the servants and stay hidden, do you understand??” “He aulways has twa big goons with, him he does.” With that she scuttles down the hall as fast as her legs will take her. Heading in the direction in the where the son of a bitch was, we reach the door and are greeted. “Aengus Carney you are under arrest for treason to the crown.” His two “bodyguards” look at him, look at us then hold their hands up in submission saying they weren’t involved in treason against the king and back away from the male. “Treason??!!” he shrieked. 

CALIN:  Stepping up as he begins screaming, “You are being arrested for the having knowledge that Ryanne Ó Floinn was alive when the King was told she had died; you are being arrested for rape and abuse of a youthling. We seize this property in the name of King Mhenance.” Carney turns red in the face and begins screaming, “That little bitch asked for it! She loved every minute of it! Diarmuid shared her!!” He made the sudden move of reaching inside his jacket; Lhanna was on in him a flash his hand wrapped around a gun. 

LHANNA: Hearing the garbage this piece of shit was spewing about Ryanne and then the ass went for a gun, that was all I needed. THIS was my chance. Moving in front of him before he could even draw the weapon, I grabbed his throat and squeezed, Calin coming to my side; I shake my head. “He’s mine.” Turning back to the POS, “THAT is my cousin, my blood, blood of the king you violated and abused. How do you like having a female that fights back you piece of shit?” Still holding him tight about the neck his nails score my hand trying to loosen the death grip I have on his fat neck. Bringing my knee up, hard, into his groin, I drop him to the floor as he screams in pain. Unsheathing my dagger, “how about I take a little something from you, eh?” His eyes went wide at my implication and he struggled to a sitting position just as Calin says in a warning tone, “Dolhanna...” 

CALIN: Watching as Lhanna threatens to cut off his dick, I have to step in now. “Dolhanna...” Just then the asshole makes a move grabbing Lhanna around the legs knocking her backwards and landing half way on top of her. Grabbing the fucker as he reaches for the fallen gun, it goes off, I pull him off and he hits the wall a few feet behind him with a thud. Lhanna is on him with her blade, slices his head from his shoulders. THAT is for mo chol ceathrair <my cousin>. Heaving deep breaths, splattered in blood, I look at Macri. “Burn it down.” Just then, the four warriors coming running into the room. Seeing everything is copacetic, they start telling me and Lhanna what the servants have told them.

LHANNA: The plane ride back was solemn as Calin held me close. After hearing the warriors tell about other females in the household being abused, we had decided to make it a rehabilitation facility to help those in need... The Ryanne House. The house would be completely reconstructed, funded by the royal household and Enid is going to run the house. What was once a place of horrors will now be something for the good of those in need. 

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