06 Chap 09

LHANNA: Calin and I decided to go to the gym and spar since we are both off of rotation tonight. Good way to warm up for the events later on. Grinning, I come at Calin with a round house kick and a few jabs. Coming back at me giving as good as I get he does an axe kick which I dodge. We go round and round for awhile when when of the domestics come into the dojo waving the phone. Pulling off my glove, I take the phone from him. "Talk to me. WHAT?? Son of a bitch!! OK, get her to the the med center as fast as you can." Tossing the phone back to the domestic, I tell Calin that was Jacobs and Nadia and Julie where coming out of a club. Jacobs was with them and they were attacked by Interts. Julie didn't make it and Nadia is seriously hurt...." Hearing the string of curses from Calin, I pull off my other glove and call Viho. He is going to flip the hell out....

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