05 Chap 09

CALIN:  Kissing Dolhanna before she heads out to Battery Park on patrol with her squad, as always I caution her to be fucking careful. Watching as she leaves I finish gearing up. This damn heat as made the humans edgy; they are in our way. Seeking to cool off they frequent the parks and waterfronts more at night. It also makes it extremely difficult to conceal weapons. Can’t wear a leather coat in 90 degree weather. No way in hell I’m not wearing the leather pants. Tucking a knife at each ankle under my pant leg, and a XD pistol, caliber 9mm on each side of my hip. Leaving my tank top untucked it’ll do. Pulling out my phone I text Rodmyn the coordinates of where we are meeting in Central Park, the squad with us tonight is at the ready and I will see him there in 5. Pocketing my phone, sending a quick prayer to the Goddess to keep my female safe; I head outside and vapor to the designated location.

RODMYN: Waitin’ for the go ahead from the the head honcho, I finish gettin’ ready to go out kill some fuckin’ Inert. My mind been occupied since I got back without Viho. Momah said it’s best she work with my boy alone. Didn’t want none of the juju to fly back to me. I argued but in the end Vi sides with my momah and they kicked my ass out. Dakon is still down there ready to bring him back. I vapored over the course of the night to git back. Lost in my thoughts, my cell goes off and I read the message from the General. Aight, shit gettin’ ready to go down. Heading out my place I yell down the hall to the 4 that are coming out with us... “Shotzy! Pfiester!! Liam!! Fuentes!! Let’s fucking get rolling, General ready to go!!” Hearing the apartment doors open and shut, I know they right behind me. Taking the steps, I tell them where we are meetin’ in the park. Going out, “DAMN! It’s fucking muggy as hell!” We vapor to the meeting point; the Great Hill, Central Park.

CALIN: Seeing the squad form in front of me, I nod in greeting. “Rodmyn you will roll out with me and you four, will split into two groups and cover the other side of the park. I don’t need to fucking remind you that these humans are out in full force because of the heat. Watch your asses and don’t be careless if you come across Inerts. If you find you are in a sitch that is out in the damn open cast the fucking veil! LaSorsa’s squad had to do a cleanse on two humans last night...” Looking at each and every warrior, including Rodmyn, I emphasize my point. “The king does not like that shit to be done; some humans have weak minds and it can kill them. You know what you need to do. Watch your asses out there.” With a nod the two teams split and take off. Turning to Roddy, “Your head in this my man? I know Viho is still with your motther.” 

RODMYN: “Nah man, I’m good. I know momah will hook Vi up and take care of his ass. She’s good like that. Just a bit jumpy tonight and killin’ some ice pops will get my shit straight. Too many Red Bull’s today.” Grinning at the General we take off in the opposite direction of the other two groups. Talkin’ bout Viho and turnin’ full vamp, I know that would make the General happy; that’s his boy. I’m growing pretty fond of Ricky Ricardo myself. We cut through one of the back gardens about an hour later, senses flare up on high alert. We walk right into a pocket of cool air. Fuckin’ jackpot yo! 

CALIN: Discussing Vi’s dilemma and the possible solutions we walk right into a cool pocket of air. Instantly alert, we go on the defensive in a back to back position as five Inert step out from the bushes...two are female. It goes against everything in a male to hurt females but they are the enemy. They will die this night with the males. The two females lunge at me, Dammit to hell! First little hellion is wielding a wicked looking blade slashing back and forth; pulling my 9mm from my right side, an easy hit and nail her between the eyes, dropping as she turns into gel. The second female has a gun and takes a shot a misses; hard to hit a moving target. Roddy has his hands full battling the two males. The third male comes at me, catches me off guard with a left to the jaw and the female tries to taking another shot but from the lucky punch that fucker got on me knocked me in her direction; I was able to knock the gun from her hand and bring her down. Grabbing her neck with one hand and her chin with the other I snap her neck. She immediately starts to turn to blue mush. I hear Roddy cursing up a blue streak. With a quick glance he is down to fighting one but looks wounded. The male Inert looks at what's left of the two females and bares his jagged teeth at me tackling me down. We hit the ground hard. Rolling over and over fighting for the upper hand, I get my thumb to his eye and press in with full force until it goes through the soft tissue of his eye ball. Rolling off of me howling in pain, I grab the dagger from my left boot and slice him from stomach to throat. Chest heaving, nostrils flared bloodlust on me I turn to Roddy just as he finishes off the Inert and drops to his knees. 

RODMYN: Seeing the two females launch themselves at the General and remembering the last time I encountered one of them bitches. Focusing on the two fuckers in front of me; “Y’all want to tag team?? Let’s do this fuckers!” First asshole comes swinging with a bat, “REALLY??” Ducking the blow, I come up just as Darryl Strawberry takes another swing; as his momentum is thrown off from the follow through, I bury my blade in his neck. The dead weight of his body turning to that gooey shit releases my blade. At the same time, I feel a sharp pain pierce my side and see a knife handle sticking outta my side. Looking back up at the POS that stabbed me, I feel my eyes go to an iridescent blue, my fangs popped out of my mouth. “You mother fuckin’ piece of shit asshole!!!!!!” Growling I lunge at him grabbing him by the throat and began to squeeze the evil fucking breath out of his body. His eyes start to bulge, his hands clawing at mine wrapped around his neck. Then his body goes dead. Dropping him as his disintegration starts I drop to my knees. Looking at the hilt of the knife sticking out of my side and looking at the general, “damn this shit hurts.” 

CALIN: “Son of a bitch! Roddy!” Getting over to him I ask if he can get to his feet and he nods. “We need to get you to the med center. You are going to have to vapor with me. Let me call Nico and let him know what the deal is.” Pulling out my cell, pulling up Nico’s number I press call and hear him pick up. Giving him the details I hang up and pull Roddy up supporting his weight. “Ready my man?? Just hang in there” We vapor to the front of the med center.... 

RODMYN: Nodding, I get to my feet, mind numbing pain shooting through my abdomen. Letting out a moan and a “shit” lean on the General; he’s bein’ real careful not to hit up on the blade stickin’ out my side. “Yeah let’s do this.” I can feel the blackness startin’ to engulf me. I gotta hang on long enough to get to the med center. Next I know, we in front of Med Center. “Thank fuck. General make sure Doc Nico don’t give me no pain meds.” And everything went black. 

NIKO: Walking down the corridor from the OR, I remove my scrub cap as General De la Cruz comes towards me. “He had the luck of Ku, the God of War, with him. Rodmyn is a strong koa (soldier) the mo`i (king) will be happy to know he has such strong warriors. I gave him anesthesia so I could perform the surgery. that’s all. His stomach was nicked; a few stitches are in there to help assist in his healing and a few in his side where the blade was. They are self dissolving; as he heals himself there will be no need for me to remove them. He is already healing. He just needs to rest now. I want to keep him here for the next 24 hours. He can go back to his place tomorrow. You can go see him now. Shaking hands, I head to my office to fill out the report.. 

CALIN: Just as Doc finishes giving me the lowdown on Roddy; Liam, Shotzy, Fuentes and Pfiester come down the hall. I fill them in quickly and head to his room. Pushing open the door, I go in and make my way to his bedside. I fucking hate the med center. Lost some good warriors and friends here. Fisting my hands at my side, I take a deep breath as Roddy turns towards me, opening his eyes. Giving him a lopsided grin, “You never do anything half assed do you??” 

RODMYN: Seein’ the General as I open my eyes and his smart ass remark, “Nahhh man; you know how I roll. Full monty. Nothin is ever half assed with me. Damn, I was hoping to see a pretty nurse instead of your ugly puss.” Letting out that chuckle hurt like hell, I get all serious, “By the way?? Thanks my man.” Just as The general is about to say something the door flies open both of us looking as Boss Lady comes in; the look on her face stabs me in the gut again. So full of fuckin’ worry. She family. Her sister got killed awhile back on patrol; she was playing for the other team. We don’t talk about that shit EVER. I don’t like havin’ her worryin’ like this over me. Damn it. “What’s goin’ on BL??” 

LHANNA: Bursting into the room, Calin and Roddy both look at me and Roddy asks ME what’s going on?! Reaching the bed, Calin fills me in on all that happened. Taking Roddy’s hand in mine, “Don’t scare the hell out of me again, you understand??” Kissing his cheek, “Aron will be around if you need anything while you heal.” Watching as his eyes flutter and eventually close, I stay for a little longer holding his hand and thinking back to how we came to be. Feeling Calin’s touch on my shoulder he says we need to let him rest. 

CALIN: Placing my hand on Lhanna’s shoulder, “Nena, tenemos que dejarlo descansar.” (Baby, we need to let him rest) At her nod, we leave the room, but not before she takes a last look over her shoulder at him. Stepping into the hall, I pull her into my arms hugging her and telling her that Roddy is going to be just fine. Doc Nico said so. Placing my finger under her chin and tilting her her head up so I can look into her green eyes. “You know I will never lie to you baby, he is going to be fine. I promise. Let’s get back to the suite and and take Jules and Bear for a long run. When we get back we can take a nice long soak in the hot tub, OK?? Kissing her forehead we head out of the med center. 

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