04 Chap 09 Lhanna's Birthday Gift 2

CALIN: All is ready for our last night in paradise. I hope Dolhanna will like it. *smirks* Yeah I think she will...

LHANNA: Oh Calin! Smiles softly and lovingly at him as he takes my hand and leads me to the cushions to sit and begin out romantic meal. I love this and love you!

LHANNA: Our last day here in the Bahamas. We leave to head back home in the wee hours. Encased in Calin’s arms, all is right in our world. These few days at this tropical paradise were just what we needed. We finally had our honeymoon. Nothing mattered here but us. Dancing at the clubs, swimming in the ocean under the moonlight, romantic dinners on the beach; which lead to other things on the beach under the stars. We went for a walk and found a waterfall and played there for hours. It was perfect. Thinking back over the last few days has filled me with contentment and peace; something that I desperately needed. In a couple of months I will go through the Concupiscentia Tempus again. I want to have a family. I want youthlings. Calin will make a wonderful papah and I am very excited at the thought of becoming a momah now. I will give him a youthling and we will start our family. Smiling as I watch him sleep, I gently run my hand across the solid wall of his chest, nipping his shoulder. My fangs are softly scraping across the corded muscle of his pecs. Placing my leg over his I rub myself on him; as expected, a smile forms on his lips as his eyes slowly open. Pulling me on top of him he kisses me. Deeply. Passionately. Possessively. Feeling his arms tighten around me, with a low growl he thrusts his hips upward so his shaft rubs against my core, all other thoughts leave my mind accept the feel of my male beneath me and what is to come.

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