03 Chap 09 Lhanna's Birthday Gift

 CALIN: After inspecting the necklace one more time I place it back in the silk lined velvet box. The piece was bought over from Russia; it’s an antique Victorian Fabergé necklace. It’s going to look damn fine around Dolhanna's neck. It’s got the rubies, which is her birthstone and also symbolize power, love and contentment. The yellow, brown and white diamonds are for love and I have plenty of that and then some for my female. It is a timeless beauty, just like Lhanna. Grinning as I pick up the satin pouch, this piece is the total opposite of the necklace. It’s a braided leather bracelet with a ruby heart. This she can wear everyday and not worry about it getting in her way, even out on patrol. This symbolizes that she has my heart; always. Some might think it’s a bit sappy, but hell, it’s her birthday and I’m supposed to get all mushy and shit with her. Then there is the “big” present; I know she is going to flip out. Just as I set the pouch down, she walks into the suite and I greet her with a big ass smile... “Hey cumpleaños niña!” <birthday girl>

 LHANNA:  Coming through the door, Calin is in the living room and greets me with one of those dazzling smiles that I love so much. “Hey yourself babe, I haven’t been able to keep up with you at all today; it’s not like you could leave the estate.” Walking toward him with a knowing grin and spying the goodies on the table, I give him a quick kiss and ask, “What’s that??” Pointing toward the coffee table knowing exactly what it is. Jewels and Bear are looking at me as if they are in on the surprise. Pulling me back to him, he asks if I want cake first or my presents. Laughing as I look up into his beautiful violet eyes, I smack him in the arm and tell him I want the presents since they are right under my nose.

CALIN: Smirking as she smacks my arm, I fake like I’m hurt. “Damn Lhanna you really have been hitting the weights.” I rub my arm for good measure. Knowing she wants the presents now, I take her hand and sit us on the couch. Taking a deep breath, I reach for the box with the antique necklace in it and hand it to her. Watching as she opens it, she unfolds the silk protecting the necklace, her eyes light up and her gasp of pleasure fills the room. She gently rubs her forefinger over the pendant and looks up at me with tears in her gorgeous green eyes, smiling. Looking at the necklace and back to me as I explain the history of the Fabergé necklace. “Oh Calin! I love it!!” Turning and holding her hair up I remove the necklace and place it around her neck. Turning back to me smiling even brighter, she asks how it looks. “Stunning.” Reaching up, I run my fingers along her cheek, to her jawline, then down to the chain. Desire for her rips through me. With a sharp whistle to Bear, he picks up the pouch and drops in Lhanna’s lap.

LHANNA: Feeling his touch; his fingers a gentle caress along my throat, his eyes filled with promise of what was to come later, causes me to shiver. With a short whistle, Bear picks up the pouch and puts it in my lap. Scratching him behind the ears telling him what a good boy he is and winking at Jewels, I turn my attention back to the pouch and open it. Reaching in, I pull out the bracelet and smile, Before I can say anything, Calin takes my right hand, kisses my mated rings and then slips the bracelet on with the exquisite ruby heart. What a striking contrast with the braided leather. Looking at me, he begins to explain what the bracelet represents... 

CALIN: “This is known as a Pigeon Blood Ruby for it intense red color. I wanted you to have something you could wear on a nightly bases that will always let you know you have my heart; for as long as you want it.” Feeling the bond between us, we are solid once again. It wasn’t easy to get back to this place. The potion, Death Ring; all distant memories. Watching as she shakes her head, a single tear falls down her cheek even though her smile could light up the night sky. “Then I shall where it until I pass and cross over onto the other side.” My female humbles me. I pull her into my arms, breathing deeply of her dark vanilla spicy scent. Smiling into her hair for what I’m about to say. “Oh, we are going to Paradise Island for a long weekend baby. Wolf’s brother has a place he letting us use; we are safe for the daylight hours and I already have a reservation at Cafe Martinique.” 

LHANNA: “Then I shall where it until I pass and cross over to the other side. Feeling Calin’s emotions roll through him our bond is back; stronger than ever. Holding me tight, my head against his chest hearing the strong, pounding, steady beat of his heart. It soothes me. His deep voice then tells me we are going to Paradise Island for a long weekend!!! Pushing him back on the couch, I crawl up his body and kiss him deeply; with all the love I have for him. “Thank you baby, I love you, I love you I love!!!” Kissing his face all over in between the I love you’s. “You are too good to me.” Sitting up and swinging his legs off the side of the couch, he stands causing me to wrap my legs around his hips. Heading down the hall to our bedroom he growls in my ear, “I’m going to have MY cake and eat right now. Happy Birthday love.” 

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