RODMYN: Dakon comes over the intercom to let us know the sun is down and we are stopping for food. Thank fuck. Walking the short distance to where Viho has holed himself up, I bang on the door. “Yo man! We stopped to get some eats, come on, need to stretch my legs and shit.” Not waiting for him, I turn and go to the door and unlock that bitch and hop out. Takin’ a deep breath and stretching hard, my spine re-aligns itself. Yeah THAT felt real fucking good. I smell REAL food all around me; damn it’s good to be home! I’m gettin’ a big ole bowl of crawdads with corn on the cob and a big ass piece of pecan pie...to start. I’m ready to get my chow on, but first I gotta call the General and let him know what’s goin’ down with Vi. Reaching for my cell I pull up the General’s number. After two rings, he picks up. “Nah, no problems. We are good, wait til you hear this shit....” Ten minutes later I finish up my convo with the General and Vi finally comes out. “Damn man, you talk about me being worse than a female.” Grinning at him, Dakon comes around to the back of the truck. Let’s go eat. We turn towards the restaurant; my mouth waterin’ at the smells of home. Looking at Vi I tell him that I will call my momah and let her know we will be taking the truck a little closer then vaporing to her place in Belle Chasse. We make our way up the steps and inside.

             Two hours later and some very full ass stomachs, we head down the steps of Rosie Jo’s, there is a definite cool front in all this humidity. My fucking senses go into double overdrive; Vi and Dak sense it too. Fucking Inert. We make are way across the parking lot and out steps three chilly fuckers.
Aight. One for each of us. Dakon may be a domestic but he was po-po before he came to us. My boy got mad skills and can handle his business. We split up and each taking on one of the fuckers. This shit is gonna be good after being cooped up in that truck for hours on end. Asshole comes running at me, knife held high, I roll my eyes and duck just as his stupid ass takes a wild swing. Turning back to face him, his teeth bared he throws his knife down and gives me the hand motion of ‘bring it.” Ahhhh yeah boy, hand to hand. “Let’s do this.” We circle each other and he comes at me with a right and grazes my chin. “THAT was your one and only shot mother fucker.” With a sharp right jab to his nose, his head snaps back and hearin’ the satisfied crunch of his big ass nose bustin’ gives me the warm and fuzzy. Reaching in I grab his head with both hands and snap his neck, dropping him to the pavement. He starts to do the jello thing. Turning, I see Dak has a split eye but stuck his knife in the Inert killin’ him. Viho makes short work of Chilly Willy. Maaan, that wasn’t even fun.” Dak says he wants to get us closer to Belle Chasse; about another hour. There is a shopping center with one of our security facilities there. We can leave the truck there. Me and Vi will vapor to my momah’s; Dak has a rental car set up and will meet us there. “Lemme call her to tell her we should be there in about an hour.” With that done we hop in the back of the truck and hit the fuckin’ road again.
                  Stalking outside the restaurant happy as hell they had a chance to eat; he hadn’t realized how starved he was till the plate was in front of him. Damn, that shit was good! Now as they made their way across the parking lot, his alarms went o
ff with the usual cold wave spreading through him. Inerts... the fuckers were everywhere! Crouching down, his hand flew to his ankle unlatching the army knife from its case with the same speed as his other hand reached behind him pulling the hand pistol from the waist of his jeans. He hoped to hell Rodmyn remembered to put a veil around them cause this shit was going to get ugly.
From his right three Inerts made their way to them, one running for Rodmyn, one for Dakon and the last heading his way. Fingers clenching around the cold metal of the knife Viho waited one, two heartbeats before marching to meet the Inert halfway. Once he was close enough, he turned doing a full 360 with his leg, striking the Inert in the abdomen with a powerful roundhouse kick; the sound of bones breaking was followed by a high pitched cry. The Inert stumble back, a hand pressed against his ribcage, mouth open in a wicked looking snarl. Recovering a little, the Inert pulled out a gun shooting two rounds; one flew past Viho’s shoulder, the second scraped his ear.
“Son of a bitch!” Viho growled shooting the fucker down, two bullets in the head, one in the heart. “God dammit!” He turned meeting Rodmyn’s grin. “Yeah, yeah... let’s get the hell out of here.”

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