RODMYN: Lookin’ around my place makin’ sure I got everything; I grab my phone and text the big ass domestic Dakon Picking up my bag and the small cooler with th
e two Junior’s Cheesecakes for my momah; she loves the NY Style one, plain. I will the door open and pass through, will it closed and lock that fucker. My mind goes all bat shit now that it’s time to get goin’. What if momah can’t help my boy?? She’s good and shit but I don’t know and I‘m not too thrilled with her fuckin in Zelina’s shit. I guess after that crazy bitch had me and did the shit she did, momah wants some payback. Anything happen to my motther and to say this here crazy ass vamp will nut?? Under-fucking-statement. Nothin’ gonna happen, momah got this; she’s got powerful shit and and there is little that she can’t not do. Still feeling not quite right, my feet get moving.

Finally hitting the passageway that leads to the underground garage, I pick up the pace ‘cause Vi is probably cursing me. Reaching the garage and the specially equipped truck, I drop my bag and set the cooler down as Dakon comes round the back. Grinning at the big human, “What the fuck up man?” I bump shoulders with him while shakin’ his hand. “Glad Boss Lady got you coverin’ our ass on this trip” He replies, “Yeah well, someone has to make sure you don’t get fucked up if something happens. Trust me bro, nothing is happening on this trip. I got you.” Opening the doors to the back and looking at the layout, I have ta grin. “This shit is sweet...” Hopping in, and takin’ my stuff from Dak, I close myself in ‘cause it’s still fry and die time out there.

Feeling the engine rumble beneath me, I get with the comfy in a leather as we head to the Estate to pick up Vi. Dak comes over the intercom telling me we are at the front of the Estate and to go into the bathroom and close the door since he needs to get Viho into the back.
Gettin my ass into the confines of safeness, I close the door and a minute later I can hear a string of cursin’ coming from my Vi. What the fuck is wrong with him?? Hearing the doors bang shut and Vi pulling the locking mechanism into place, I step out and see him in a hoodie, leather gloves and sunglasses. Making a face, “Yo, it’s like 82 degrees out! What the hell is up with the hoodie and shit??” He removes his sunglasses and his eyeballs are all red and watery.... It takes but just a second for me to figure out what the fuck is doin’ with him. “OH SHIT!”

 “What the fuck ME?? “You the one scratchin’ like you fleas or some shit. Don’t you see what the hell is happening???” Looking at the “rash” that has spread on his inner fucking arms, and his red, watery eyes... Fuuuuck. “Bro, you been
feeding from that domestic chick Nadia, right??” Holding my hands up as Ricky fucking Ricardo starts to say somethin’, “Just hear me the fuck out for a second aight?? Listen up, you finally fucking fed right? And you been feeding off that chick, right?” Watching him nod, I keep going before he starts cursin’ and shit again. “Your vampire side is starting to come through yo. Daaaamn man, you gotta decide what you gonna do and you better do somethin’ soon. It’s like by feeding you released the Kracken and shit.” Shaking my head at this FUCKED UP sitch... Immortality or living for a thousand or so years??? Shit. “Maaaan, hold on a sec and quit scratchin’ that shit! You just makin it worse!” I head off to the bathroom and come back with first aid cream and toss the tube at him. “Put some of that on there. You gonna have to be real fucking careful goin’ in the sun now Vi. You understand what’s happening to you now??” Standing there with my arms akimbo I wait for him to answer, hopefully without going all bob-a-loo on my ass....

 Brother needs some alone time to get his mind in perspective and deal with all that is happening. I guess it’s a good thing I’m a fuckin’ people person and I got a place for Vi. Always been a vampire so ain’t no biggy for me; I guess it’s
a hard fucking thing to deal with; lot of shit to give up. It’s a whole lifestyle change.. I’m just trying to help my boy out. Def gonna make a call to the General once night hits. Then I can get outta here to use my cell so I can fill him in on what’s doin’ with Viho now cause his ass is in to condition to tell his boy about this. He is gonna have serious questions and the General needs a heads up. Shaking my head, I make my way over to a leather chair, planting my ass in it and reaching for my book....this is gonna be one long ass trip. Where’s that Patron?

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