RODMYN: Reachin’ the shopping center about 50 minutes later; Dak gives us the all clear to exit the truck. Hoppin’ out, I make sure Dak has the address. Calling momah and letting her know we will be there in 10. Looking at Viho, “Yo man, you ready?” My boy gets his resolve and nods. Puttin’ my hand on his shoulder; I break us down and we travel through the streets as molecules. Bringing us to the house I set momah up in, I reform us and Vi is looking better than the last few times we vapored. Watching him sway just a little fuckin’ bit, “Not too bad man, shit, you getting the hang of this. Gonna have to try it on your own soon.” Grinning as he cussed me out in Spanish doin the Ricky Ricardo, but then he claps me on the shoulder smilin’ and we head up the walkway just as momah opens the door. Damn it’s good to see her. Smiling like a fool, I pick up my pace, open my arms and embrace my momah...

Momah gets us inside after all the greetings are out the way. Bein’ home feels good emotionally, yet I feel worse physically now than when we left NY. Shit. It feels like, I don’t know what the fuck it feels like. Shit just don’t feel right, I’m off and I guess a good days sleep and I should be aight by tomorrow night; back to being copasetic and shit.. Planting my ass on the couch, Vi takes a nice cushy chair across from me. Momah is fussin’ over us and pissed that we stopped to eat. She heads of to the kitchen and brings us some Sweet Tea’s and sits next me, pattin’ my leg asking, “Ki sa ki mal ak ou m 'yo, jenn gason mwen an?” “Nothin’ momah, I just haven’t been feeling right. Not like myself. It’s all good. Some of your cookin’ and being here with you will get me back to my old self.” Scowling at me she says, Rodmyn, I do not like all that metal in your face. Li fè m 'trè kontan wè ou nan yon fason.” Vi gets the jist of what she’s saying and tries to cover a grin. I mouthed the words FUCK YOU at him. What can I say?? I guess to a point I’m a momah’s boy and if nobody likes it they can kiss my ass. After giving momah the lowdown on what’s doing with Vi, it’s late. Ever the gracious host she she gives Viho a tour of the house telling him her ti bebe li, bought the house for her when he became a warrior. Greeeeat.... Now Ricky Ricardo ain’t never gonna let me live the baby comment down. Gettin’ Vi situated in his room, I kiss momah on the cheek and hug her tight telling her I missed her. Watching her go to her room, I make my way to mine. Just as I close the door I hear the inner shutters come down for the day. Taking off my clothes I crawl in the sheets. I hope to the Goddess that Viho can get what he needs and I hope I feel a helluva lot fucking better than I have. A new night will be here and all will be right in my world. Rolling to my side, I close my eyes and hope it’s true...

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