Rodmyn: Palmin’ my cell, I pull up momah’s number. Pressin’ send, it rings a few times and I hear her voice answer on the other end. “Alo momah, kijan ou ye? (Hello momah, how are you?) Yeah, I know I should call more often but you know how much I love you, right? ~grins~ Mmm hmmm. I know momah, I ain’t been home for a visit with you grann in a long time. *rolls my eyes* Yup, I did just roll my eyes; you know me better’n anybody momah, you my pi bon ti fi (best girl)” That always makes her laugh. Listening as she goes on about me FINDING a nice girl and having youthlings. Chuckling as she says she will probably only be around for another 100 years or so and she wants to enjoy her pitit pitit’s (grandchildren).
“Yeah, Lhanna and the General are both good momah. Yes, I know she is like a pitit fi (daughter) to you. I do owe her everything, she my girl and I would die for her after what she did for me. Yes momah, Calin is very bèl (handsome) ~gags
~ I will tell them you vle yo byen (wish them well). Momah, I’m comin’ home for just a couple days and I’m bringin’ a real good friend with me from the Garda. Yes. He is the General’s best friend momah. Li bezwen èd-ou, reyèl move.(He needs your help real bad) His name is Viho; he’s aight; good peeps ya know? He been real good to me and we hang. He has my back and now I got his.” She asks me what’s wrong and I give her the Reader’s Digest version of Viho’s shit with the knife and Zelina. Holdin’ the phone from my ear, she yells, “Zelina??! Ke fanm nan se juju move, ou fè l 'fè m', mwen pralede l '...” ( Zelina??!! That female is bad juju, you bring him to me, I will help him...) “You da best momah. You gonna have a big bowl of gumbo waitin’ for me, right?? Good. My boy Vi likes to eat too so make sure you got enough.” I like to goad her cause she always cooks enough to feed four squads of hungry ass vamps after a patrol. Talking with my momah a little longer I tell her I needs to go and I will see her in a few days. Hangin’ up, I smile and shake my head; momah speaks half Creole, half English when she gits all excited and shit.
Goin’ back to my contact list, I pull up Vi’s number: Yo man, shit’s ago. Momah knows we comin’ so let’s get this shit done! Momah makes the best fuckin gumbo you ever had. Pocketing the cell, I lock and load my weapons, ready to hit the streets of NYC and hopin’ to run in ta some popcicle motherfuckers....

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