07 Viho's D. (Meeting Rodmyn and Having a Breakthrough)

Rodmyn: Walking back into my apartment, my cell does the ring a ding. Smirking it’s my boy Viho, “Que Paso fucker! Uh huh. Yeah, that’s doable. Let me shower up first, just came in from the gym. You know where Privilege is man? Yeah West 23rd Street.
Aight. Where somethin nice fucker; it’s a gentlemen’s club.” I move the phone from my ear laughing as my boy starts cursing me in Spanish. “See you in an hour.” Dropping the keys and my cell on the coffee table, I head for the shower. I do the rub a dub with my man Usher’s line. Shit smells good and the ladies seem to like it. Getting out, I dry off dumping the dirty clothes and towels in the laundry shoot. Take care of the rest of getting clean routine and then make my way to the closet, I stand there and contemplate what the fuck to wear. Tapping my chin I decide on a pair of Dior black pants and the same name shirt that is a black and grey pinstripe. Yeah, I can clean up real fucking good... Doin’ a air spritz of the cologne and walking through it. Heading back into the living room, scooping up the keys and my cell, I vapor to the club.

Sitting at the bar watching the lovely Ariana bump and grind, enjoying a Patrone straight up, I sense Vi before I see him. He greets me and I clap him on the shoulder grinning, “What’s doing brother? Welcome to my hangout.” Viho lays a b
ig ass file down on the bar, eyeing it, I guess he will fill me the fuck in. “My mother?? She’s doing aight. What’s your problem man??” Seeing Vi looking around and kinda uneasy he wants to move to a table away from the bar. Grabbing his folder, we plant our asses in the booth. Handing me the folder I start reading through this shit. “Daaamn man, this is a helluva read.” Rubbing a hand down my face, “Shit Viho man, you know you are like a brother to me. I don’t know man. I guess we can go to Norla and visit her. She been at me to come any fucking way.” My man talking his eternity depends on this shit. Gotta help him out. “Gotta get the A-OK from the General and Boss Lady, then we are outtie.”

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