05 Calin at the Training Center (Lhanna and Bear go Patrolling)

Dolhanna: Thank the Goddess this is Calin's last week down at the TC, his ass has been a bit grumpy; but I think he had a bit of fun being with Wolf Swiatocha again. It made being there a bit more bearable. I'm hoping Wolf will at least come back to patrolling with us part time; I'm going to have to get him over here soon for dinner. He is a fine warrior and a huge asset to the Garda. Caleb has been working Jewels and Bear relentlessly. He has turned out to be an amazing trainer and loyal to Calin without hesitation. Time to take my babies into NYC for a test run if you will. I'm bored and this is just what I needed. Hell, if I'm lucky we may run into an Inert or two... Calin took Jewels with him to the TC tonight acclimating her to loud noise and sudden movement so when we are in the streets they don't get spooked. It's been working out very well. Gearing up in my leathers, holstering my weapons, I walk into the living room and whistle for Bear; "Come on boy, it's me and you tonight." He comes trotting down the hallway ready to go. Getting down on one knee, I give him a good scratch. Licking my face in appreciation of the loving, I laugh and we head out to the garage and get into the Trans Am and head for Central Park.
Once Bear was situated in the Cadi pick up, I roll out of the Estate towards Manhattan. Destination: Central Park. Driving along the highway, I can feel Bear’s excitement. “Well Bear, this is your first patrol, you ready?” L
ike he actually understood me, he gives a little snuffle noise and licks the side of my face from the back seat. Finally getting into the city, I manage to find a parking space only a block away from the park. Making sure my weapons are concealed, no easy task now that the weather is warmer. Wearing black leather jeans, a white fitted t-shirt with a leather vest that covers the two sigs I have crossed holstered underneath. Letting Bear out on the sidewalk, I clip the 3 foot lead to his collar. He is an impressive sight; 130lbs of solid muscle. Bending down on one knee, petting his head, “This is it Bear; me and you. We got this; if we are lucky we may get a bit of action tonight.” Rising we head to the park.
Entering the park from 59th Street and 8th Avenue, there are few people left in the park at this hour; druggies, homeless, the less than savory characters and maybe an Inert or two. After walking for several minutes with Bear unleashed and
right at my side, some asshole decides he wants to have a little convo with me. Using a hand signal basically telling Bear to chill out, “Hey little lady, that’s quite the Shepard you got there, you sure you can handle him? “ He grins at me and is missing his front four teeth. Just fucking great. Arching a brow at him, giving him a look that says “Really dickhead??” “My dog and I are just fine. I suggest you keep moving along if you know what’s good for you.” Moving my hand to signal Bear, he bares his fangs. His canines are extra-long and quite large due to being converted to vampire. His jade colored eyes practically glowed with his growing ire. Dickhead takes one look at him, then me. Giving him a saucy wink, I gesture with my hand for him to get going. He took the offer. Continuing on, we hit a section of the park and I walk dead smack into a cold front; Bear’s hackles go up and a low growl comes from deep in his barrel chest. Teeth bared and hits the Inert with such force it knocks him over. Bear’s jaws clamp down on his arm causing him to drop the weapon and scream out in pain. Bear is pretty much ripping his arm to shit. “To place!!” I call to him as I take my knife, stabbing the Inert in the throat and pulling the knife down to slice him. He instantly starts to disintegrate in the blue slim of dead Inert. Stepping back next to Bear, I retrieve the fallen weapon and wait a few more minutes to make sure the there is nothing left for a human to stumble on.
The Inert steps from the bushes looking me up and down with disdain. “Vampire bitch, you think that fucking dog is going to stop me??” Pulling a gun from his waistband I grin knowing what’s coming next. Bear vapors and reforms midair, te
Petting Bear vigorously and giving him high praise on a job well done. He did great; Caleb did an amazing job on his end. Pulling out my phone, I text Calin: ::Your boy did amazing, he got one. See you soon:: Calling to Bear we head out
of the park back to the Cadi and head home. Calin is going to take Jewels out and then we will bring them out together. If this works out the way we hope it will, we’ll soon be adding about 8 more Shepard’s to our forces. Turning up the volume, Bear’s head out the window, heading down the Henry Hudson Parkway North back to the Estate...

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