08 Viho's D. (Getting Lhanna's insight)

Dolhanna: It was very humid during the daylight today and once darkness fell I decided to take Jewels and Bear to the far end of the property for a good run. As I make my way through the grounds, my cell phone starts ringing. Pulling it from the clip at my waist, I see it’s Viho. “Buenas noches Vi, que está pasando?” “No I’m not busy it’s my night off but Calin is out on patrol tonight.” “Uh huh, sure. I’m on the East side of the Estate with the dogs; you and Roddy can meet me here. OK I’ll see you in about 10 minutes.” Hanging up, I wonder what’s up with Viho. He sounded preoccupied; he and Roddy want to talk to me and Calin?? I guess I’ll know soon enough and will fill Calin in later. Walking along the dogs are playing; suddenly they stop and are back at my side, alert, smelling the air. Viho and Rodman take form a few feet away. Sniffing the air, they know they are friends. Letting out short barks in greeting, they resume their rough housing.

Rodmyn: Our molecules do the come back together; the German Shepards take notice snouts to the air; smelling. Knowing we ain’t a threat. “DAMN BL!! They got huge! What the hell are you feeding them?? A few asshole humans I know I hope. Smirkin
g as I walk up to Lhanna and embrace her. It’s a nice ass night out.” Takin’ a deep inhale of clean air, this shit can almost make a vamp high it’s so pure. Giving my boy the fuckin’ look he goes and tells Boss Lady we need to do the road trip thang to N’Orlins to see my motther. Damn, Vi, gots some serious shit with that knife and his immortality. I’m hoping momah can help his ass. We shouldn’t need more than 3 or 4 nights tops. Momah knows her hocus pocus. Every time I go the fuck back home, I always wake up feeling outta sorts and shit. But this ain’t about me, it’s about Vi getting his shit straight.

Dolhanna: Watching as Roddy gives Viho a look, the male turns towards me and lets me know that he and Rodmyn want to go to New Orleans to go see Rod’s momah with the hopes of her helping to retrieve that damn dagger. I want peace for Viho; he is lik
e a brotther to Calin and to me. Listening to what he has said, I have to wonder what he will do once he retrieves the dagger. He is still part vampire. Will he give up his immortality only to die? Or will he do the full conversion to vampire? I know Calin would not deny him anything. “Whatever you need Vi. Are you sure that seeking the aid of, uh, no offense Rod, but a voodoo priestess is the way to go??” At his nod, I tell him to take whatever time he needs and to be careful.
We continue to walk the estate, going over the details. “You know you can take the special equipped armoured Garda truck if you think you may have an issue with vaporing with Roddy. I can have one of the domestics drive while you and Rod are secure in the back from the daylight; especially Roddy. It’s like a studio apartment on wheels.” Looking over at me he thanks me saying he was hoping to use the armoured vehicle. Garda Security is just one of our financial means. It works well in our favor and brings in revenue. “I will make the necessary arrangements to have the truck at your disposal.

Rodmyn: Walking along listening to them makes plans, I just nod in agreement. Shit will work out like it’s s’posed to, always does. Momah been on my ass for a visit anyways. “No offense taken BL.” I grin cause my girl always looks out; still
freaks some vamps out that my momah is vampire AND a voodoo priestess. Fuck, I’m from the swamps of N’orla...what the fuck you expect?? “Yeah even after going to get the General from Death Ring homeboy here was still gittin’ fuckin sick with vaporing. Shit will take too damn long. Truck is a good plan. Be nice to chill for the ride down." We turn and head back to the Estate just shooting the shit about nothing in particular. I bend down a pick up a stick, whistle for beasts; they come running and I throw the stick and watch them haul ass after it. I gotta wonder what my boy is gonna do when this shit wit Crazy Zelina is all fucking over. He’s a little stiff an all but he’s my boy and we roll real fuckin cool.

Dolhanna: “So it’s settled; you two will take one of the special armoured trucks. I think it’s a good idea to have Dakon drive you down; he has trained with the Garda even though he is human. He has the vamp blood in him as a domestic. It makes sen
se to have someone drive you who can defend you during the daylight hours, Goddess forbid, should something happen.” At their nods, we turn and head back toward the Estate, Rodmyn throws a stick for the dogs and they run at breakneck speed to fetch it and together, both holding the long stick trot back toward us. “Why don’t you both come for mid-evening meal? I would love to have your company.”

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