02 Scarsdale, New York

Calin: Sitting at the bar in the game room nursing a Jack and ginger I wonder what is going on with my female. From being partners for a damn long time, I know her Concupiscentia Tempus is due real fucking soon… The need to be there with her all the time  is getting strong. To feed her, satisfy her, be there for her. Swirling my drink through the ice cubes, I bring it to my lips and finish it off in one swallow. Leaving my stool, I go behind the bar to make another drink when I see Aron come through the door, Viho in tow. Smirking, “What’s up fucker?? I been around; you I’m sure have been off getting to the females around here.” “Figure we need a couple days; Lhanna is huh, well,” rubbing the back of my neck not sure Vi needs to know this. "You know, female stuff happening." Making two drinks, I hand one to Viho.

Viho goes around to the other side of the bar and begins pouring just straight Jack; throwing back the drink, which is quickly filled again, Viho tells me about training Sergio. "How is he doing? Last time I fucking saw him, he didn't look
at me like I was the devil incarnate." Chuckling at when I went "Boo" at the fucker and he took off down the hall back in Costa Rica.
Ahhhh, Viho hasn't been around a female vampire to know about her time. I'm sure eventually he will come across a female that will want him to "service" her. Smirking, I'm gonna keep that bit of info to myself for a bit. "My man, it's a damn shame you can't vapor; have you ever tried?" Viho is sitting back next to me, the almost empty bottle of Jack between us. I gotta a helluva buzz going and sometimes that's when you get your best fucking ideas. "Stand up brother." At his questioning gaze I say, "Shit, trust me!" Placing my hand on his shoulder I think about the top of the Estate staircase and we are there!

Looking at Viho's face I can't hold that shit in any longer and roar with laughter. "Since you can't vapor your ass I figured I give it a shot; you have vampire in you and it worked!" Before he can say anything else, I vapor us outside t
o the pool area of the estate. Watching Viho sway as we form is too damn funny. He'll get use to it. Before he can even reply, keeping my hand on his shoulder, I vapor us back to the game room. My man looks like he might toss his cookies... "We will keep at it brother until you don't sway on your feet anymore." Still laughing I grab the Jack off the bar and take a long pull from the bottle then hand it to Viho. Clapping him several times on the back at the look he gives me, I start laughing harder. Reaching for a new bottle, cracking the seal, reaching for two glasses and thinking, "Good fucking times."

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