09 C. R. - Returning to the Garda

Calin: Legs stretched out in front of me sipping my Guaro, I hear Vi come down the hall and enter the room. Raising to my feet smirking, "'Bout fucking time you showed up, your servant is going to have a coronary soon." Walking up to the bar as Viho pours himself a drink, looking at the other male dead in the eyes "Viho, my brother, I apologize for going off on you. I had no right to yell and carry on like that my friend. Shit is getting bad and I need you once again fighting by my side. You are hiding from reality here. Come back with Dolhanna and me and fight the fight with us."
Listening intently as Viho tells me no need to apologize, a grin splits across my face at his declaration that he will be coming back to New York with us. Grabbing his forearm, pulling him to me, pounding his back...."good deal my man good deal. I know what you have been through with that bitch, you have to know I have your back and will not let her get her fucking claws into you ever again. We leave tonight my brother.

Coming down the hall towards the den, I hear the guys talking. Leaning in the door frame as the conversation goes down, I can only nod and smile. "I guess I better get our bags packed if we are leaving tonight." Walking up to Viho, I touch his arm telling him, "It's good you are coming home Vi, we need you." Winking at Calin, I leave the room to get our things together.... Passing Serigo in the hall, I go "BOO!" Flashing my fangs, laughing out loud as the human jumps and takes off down the hall.....

Yeah well it's kinda fun fucking with him.... He better toughen up if he's coming with you; he's going to be surrounded by vamps. Grinning, I guess I can have my man Aron show him the ropes around the Estate. Hearing Viho's chuckle as he leaves the den, I finish my rum and head after Lhanna.

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