02 Calin at the T.C.

Calin: Walking though the training facility checking all the newbies out, I run a hand through my hair, "Shit." The buzz has already started that I'm going to be doing some "training" with the new recruits starting this week. Standing off to the side, arms crossed over my chest, black tshirt stretched to the limit, I watch as the instructors go through technique trying to educate them so they stay the fuck alive. This is gonna be a long ass four weeks. I'm so going to need some diversion from "day care." Smirking as an idea forms, reaching for the case that holds my cell, I take out my phone and pull up Dolhanna's info. Sending her a quick text: THAT should get her wondering...50 Shades of Grey my ass.... She won't know what hit her when I dole out 50 Shades of ME! Grinning, I head out of the TC.

Dolhanna: Hearing my message alert go off on my phone, it's a text from Calin. "laters baby??" Looks like someone as been snooping in my book.... Well, two can play at that game. Texting him back:


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