03 Calin at the T.C.

Calin: Taking form in front of the TC doors, I curse myself for the hundredth time. If one of my warriors fuck’s up then this is where they end up. Mentally shrugging; there’s no reason my ass shouldn’t be here too, I fucked up. Sporting black Nike workout pants and a black “Just Do It” tank top, my long strides bring me to the gym doors; ready to get the day done and my month over with. Palms flat on the double doors, I push them open with more force than is necessary. Everything around me comes to a dead fuckin’ stop. Smirking to myself, this shit might turn out to be a little fun. Seeing many mouths drop the hell open and eyes popping out of sockets from the recruits inwardly makes me cringe a bit. Being here is for all the wrong reasons, but it is what it is? Right? Not a damn thing I can do about it besides be honest.
Looking around at the 25 recruits, spying Commander Swiatocha, I begin my brief but stern intro. “I’m pretty sure you all know who I am. I am Calin de la Cruz; Field Marshal General of the Kings Royal Garda. I’m down here with you for t
he next 4 weeks to teach you and pound into you, ways to keep your asses alive when you become warriors. I was indeed at Death Ring. You heard it straight from me now; do NOT ask me about it. We clear?” Looking around at all the quickly bobbing heads and a few whispers about Death Ring, “All right let’s get your asses going; gimme 20 laps around this gym. NOW! MOVE IT!!!!” Watching as the recruits jump into action and get to running at my order, Senior Recruit Division Commander Swiatocha makes his way over to me. Swiatocha is Native American and one of my fiercest warriors and good friend. Grinning as the male approaches me we clasp forearms; “Wolf! How the hell you doin’ my man?” The warrior looks at me smirking, “Better than you I’m thinking; my ass chose to be here. Good to see you Calin.” Turning my attention to the recruits, I shout; “You better move your asses as if Zelina and 10 Inerts were chasing you! Let’s go!” Wolf continues shaking his head, “Death Ring. I know, I know. Don’t ask.” We BS quietly while the recruits are running full force in circles around us; all the while I’m counting off laps.
As they round into lap 20, I call out, “All right; hit the weight room. Some of you are looking a bit scrawny and we need to add some muscle to your asses! MOVE IT!!!” Looking at Wolf he gives me a lopsided grin shaking his head, “These
recruits are totally fucked. I thought I was a hard ass.” Looking at him, “What??!! No worse than what was done to us.” Walking into the weight room behind the wheezing, sweating recruits, “I want all of you to pair up; one of you will need myself or Commander Swiatocha to spot you. We are going to work on upper body strength. Yes, even the females. Just a heads up; Zelina is now inducting females.” Hearing the surprise echo around the room I continue; “you males are going to have to forget your upbringing where the female Inerts are concerned. You will go for the kill with them just as you would a male. They are just as lethal and dangerous as the males if not more so. They will try to use the fact they are female against you. Don’t forget that shit.” As I speak I look at each and every one of them knowing what I tell them today will hopefully save their hides tomorrow. Seeing Wolf’s startled gaze, the murmurs continue to rip through the weight room, “I SAID pair up!!” I tell Wolf what Rodmyn and I encountered that night. He lets out a low whistle and a chuckle. “Bro, I kinda wish I was there when Roddy got kicked by that female Inert.” Grinning back at him, “Yeah his ass was pretty heated and you know how animated he can get.” Wolf sees two of our future warriors in need of his expertise and goes over to show proper bench pressing technique. As I scan the weight room, I see way too much weight on the bar of the one recruit who doesn’t have a spotter and was told to wait. DAMN IT!
Vaporizing over to him as the bar starts to lower across his neck. I pull the bar up in a fluid motion and rack it. Nostrils flared, I stomp to the front of the bench and yank him up by his t-shirt with one hand so his toes are barely tou
ching the floor. “Son you are no John Sena, got it?? I guess I didn’t make myself very clear when I said whoever ended up without a partner was to wait for me or Commander Swiatocha. You’re not completely turned yet; all in due fucking time. I need you ALIVE here and now.” Giving him a little shake to emphasize my point. "You will be able to bench press a Volkswagen Beetle soon enough. For now you do a much fucking lighter weight, more reps. We are building strength here. Your ass hear what I’m telling you??” Dropping him back to his feet, his eyes are as big as saucers, he nods in the affirmative. Guess I got my damn point across. Turning to the rest of the recruits, “Hit the damn showers and be in classroom 8B in 15 minutes.” Wolf claps me on the shoulder, “welcome to my world General.” We head off in the direction of the classrooms.

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