01 Calin at the T.C. (Calin Speaks to King Mhenace)

Calin: Turning away from the shaded window in my office, it’s time. I might as well get my ass handed to me and get it over with. Grabbing up the written report about Death Ring and its location off of my desk, I head out of my office locking the door with a thought and make my way to the king’s chamber. I did everything I could to give those bastards plenty of notice to vacate the cavern. I hope they fucking listened. After several minutes, of left and right turns I come to the Hall of Ancients which leads to the King’s Royal chambers. Relics, artifacts and priceless objet d'art. The royal family has collected these items through the centuries. There are weapons here that have actually been used in battle; invaluable artwork, vases and everything else in between. You name it, it’s in this hall. Most of it comes from Ireland, but there are pieces from all over. My great, great, great grandfatthors sword hangs in this hall. Walking up to the weapon hung just outside the king’s chamber, my chest swells with pride. My family has been protecting the royal family since the Baobhan-Sith’s took the throne. Not only is he my liege; he is MY family now since Dolhanna and I mated. Looking up at the weapon with reverence, “Abuelo, I hope I do you proud.” Taking a deep breath, I put my knuckles to the thick oak door, and knock.

King Mhenace: Checking the Comtoise grandfather clock, my nephew by mating should be arriving shortly. Rubbing my chin, I contemplate all that Calin and my niece have been through. He is my finest warrior; that is why he commands the Garda; it is surpr
ising, to say the least, that his reaction to the situation was and still is unacceptable. Never would I have thought him to do something as foolish as Death Ring. When I lost my Aislin that was my darkest hour; I mourned her deeply and still do; the other half of me was gone. Not wanting to go that dark place, my hand automatically goes to Aislin’s mated ring on the chain around my neck. Doing something so irrational never crossed my mind. Why he would want to take the chance of losing his head and leaving my niece mateless, is beyond comprehension. The insolent pup did not think this particular instance through. Shaking my head, I chuckle. Just like his pahpa. Somber strides take me to my desk; sitting heavily; I contemplate what to do with the hot headed male. Zelina is on the rise again; she will never have the opportunity to take from me again. I slam my fist down onto the desk in frustration. The only thing good from this is Harriet is back home where she should be. Leaning back in the worn leather chair, two sharp knocks on the door bring me out of my revere. “Enter.”

Calin: Hearing Mhenace bid me enter, opening the door he is seated behind his desk, fingers steepled; staring at me intently. Shit. I can smell the anger rolling off of him. He is still pissed; rightfully so. I put the reputation of the entire
Royal Garda at stake. Sure, just fucking go rogue when shit gets too intense. Mentally, I can shake my head in disgust now for my poor fucking choice. Seeing the King behind the massive desk, many would be intimidated by his imposing stature; he is the king after all. Mhenance raised me in this household as one of his own when my pahpa died trying to save the Queen. I’m ready to accept the consequences of my actions; I am a male of merit; I will take whatever justice Mhenace feels is necessary. Taking a few more steps forward, inclining my head, eyes downcast, I place my right fist over my heart; “my liege.”

King Mhenace: Watching as Calin pays homage to me touches me. “Come forward and sit Calin.” He squares his shoulders as he makes his way to the chair facing across from me. Not saying anything as the seconds tick by his gaze never waivers from mine. N
o, not defiant; his eyes are telling me he is ready to accept whatever his castigation shall be. A male of merit; one of the many reasons he leads my warriors. Leaning forward in my chair, resting my elbows on the massive desk, “Just what the hell were you thinking Calin? Do you realize the harm you could have done?” My voice grows steadily louder, “What of Dolhanna? Eh? Ye would leave my niece mateless in your foolishness? Taking a chance by bringing the male Caleb here?? Ye are damn lucky your instincts are dead on regarding him!! Your actions to the situation with ye and your female are unacceptable! I expect better than that from ye General de la Cruz! I taught ye, I molded ye, ye think things through afore ye act irrationally!!!! Ye are nae bouzzie or gobshite!!!!” Slamming my fist down on the desk once again. My anger is fully blown; my accent, which is usually barely discernible, is out in full force. Taking a few deep steadying breaths to calm down; to his credit he hasn’t even flinched. Narrowing my gaze at him; I sentence him. “You are off rotation for 1 month; you are not to be on the streets.” Watching as his eyes go wide, his body flinches but he remains silent. “ You want to fight aye? Then you will show the trainees what they need to learn to keep themselves alive for the next 4 weeks. You will, however, continue you duties and lead the warriors; I do NOT want to hear of you out on the street unless it is an extreme emergency. Are we clear?” He answers with “yes sire.” “Good, now shall we go over this report regarding Death Ring?”

Calin: “Come forward and sit.” It’s a command; not a request. My feet take me to the chair across from the King. Seems like an hour before he finally spoke. And speak he did. More like yell, his eyes were pitch black and his accent which you
barely heard anymore was back with a vengeance and he was using slang. He bought up Lhanna and leaving her mateless, the harm I could have done the Garda. Bringing Caleb here. The days he spent training me, schooling me personally. He isn’t telling me anything I haven’t already thought of and gone over in my head time and time again. Everything Mhenace is saying is dead on. Observing him as he makes a conscious effort to calm down, he takes in some deep breaths then levels his honey colored glaze on me. Oh hell, I know that look. I know I’m not going to like what he says next... hearing that I am off the streets for 4 weeks and teaching at Training Camp??! FUCK! I know my eyes went big and my body jerked sure as I was kicked in the gut. All I can do answer, “Yes sire.” He replies “Good” and wants all the deets on Death Ring. Reeling, my thoughts are all over the map. Not being on rotation for a month?? A whole fucking month?? Bounced back to teaching recruits?? Shit. I know it could have been worse. Focusing my attention back on the King, I start by telling him the coordinates for reaching the mountain; the waterfall and the descent to Death Ring...

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