T.D.R. 22

Dolhanna:Forming in front of the Dew Drop Inn with Calin, Viho, Rodman and Caleb, we are all quiet; deep in our thoughts. Viho looks like he is ready to vomit. He will get used to being vapored. Shifting uncomfortably, I look to Calin and tentatively say, “A hot shower will do you a world of good about now.” Looking down at my hands I continue on in a low voice, looking in his eyes, “you need to feed properly as well.” He is staring at me so intently it makes me nervous and edgy. I can’t read him now; don’t know what he’s thinking. The others are looking everywhere but at us. The awkwardness is broken by the sound of footsteps; we all turn, hands on weapons. It’s Harriet. “Well blessed be child, you bought him back and you’re OK.” Harriet walks toward us handing Viho and Rodman a key each to their rooms. Rodman eyes Caleb; as she assures Rodman his room is protected from daylight. Walking over to me she holds out her arms and once again I go willingly into them. There is a questioning look on everyone’s face except Caleb who just looks nervous. Coming out of Harriet’s embrace, I tell them what our relationship was, how she came to be here; turning back to Harriet, “please come back to Scarsdale with me. I need you.” Harriet places her hand lovingly on my cheek, “I left you once before my child, I’ll not leave you again.” She kisses my forehead. I smile for the first time in weeks. She turns to Rodman and says “come on, you need to feed and I have someone to help you out. I noticed the little guy had his fangs sawed off. We can get a cup for him.” Turning on Caleb, “You stink to the heavens and you need a bath NOW.” Caleb blushed and simply answered, “Yes misses.” Over her shoulder she calls out to me, “you and your male go get cleaned up. I’ll make sure everyone has food.” With that she walks off with Roddy and Caleb in tow.

Our molecules come together, putting us in front of the Inn. The silence is fucking deafening among the group. I know I should say something about my actions. There will be time for that shit later. Seeing Lhanna shift from foot to foot she carefully says to me I need to shower and feed. Staring hard at her, I give a small nod, “Yeah I do. You are pale Lhanna. You need to feed as well.” God, she is so damn beautiful. All I want to do his pull her into my arms. How could I have left her?? Hearing someone approach we all go for our weapons. It’s the Inn keeper Harriet. She gives keys to Roddy and Vi. Hearing what she says and watching as Lhanna goes into her arms, I look at Viho and Rodman who just shrug. What the hell is this?? Hearing Lhanna tell us about Harriet, I remember Lhanna mentioning her when we first started as fighting partners. She never did speak much of her childhood. She wants Harriet to come back to the Estate; she sounds hesitant in asking her. Is she not coming back? Why the fuck should she after what I did. Asshole. I left her. Shit. Looking at Rodman, “You take him,” pointing to Caleb, “clean him up find something decent for him to wear until we return to the Estate. You got a problem Roddy??” Pops a brow at him. “I know you will keep an eye on him, if anything should ‘arise’.” Harriet steps in, in a no nonsense kind of way taking charge of Rod and Caleb. Calling back to us she says she will send food.

Watching everything play out between the General and BL; it’s gonna be a looong fucking night if they don’t sit and fucking talk and make up. Shit will never be the same, for real. Taking the key from Harriet, I wink at her. Boss Lady goes and hugs her like they know each other. General looks my way and I just shrug, fuck if I know what’s up. After listening to the explanation, now it all makes sense how the older female knew what we were. My jaw drops as the General tells me I’m stuck with that little fuck. “Why the fuck I gotta watch him???” General levels a glare at me and says “You got a problem with that??” Nope, not anymore. Daaaaamn; BL just asked her former domestic to come back with us. Hmph. Harriet says she has someone for me to feed from. Yeah, it can’t hurt. Looking down at the little shit, “Yo man what happened to your fangs??” “Witch bitch saw off…” He looks so sad, I gotta kinda feel bad for the little fucker. Patting him on his skinny shoulder, “it’s aight dude, we’ll get you fixed up. But she’s right, your ass stinks and if you are sleeping in the same room with me you need to wash your shit. Where’s some Bod body spray when you need it.” We follow after Harriet.


My female and I are left alone for the first time since they came to get me. My eyes are burning into her, I can’t look away. Shit, she is all I ever want. What I need. Does she feel the same about me still?? Turning, I walk to the Charger and reach under the fender well and pull out the room key. Feet heavy on the wood planks, I put the key in the door. Pushing the door open, heart hammering, stomach clenching, my eyes pleading, I hold out my hand; “Lhanna?” Time stands still for a few seconds; it felt like an eternity. She reaches her hand out to take mine. I release a breath I didn’t realize I was holding. Pulling her into the room behind me, she closes the door. Turning to face her she says in a low voice “you really need to take a shower. I want to check your head injury.” Giving her a small nod, I go into the small bathroom and turn the shower on. Looking in a mirror for the first time in weeks, shit, I look like hell. I suppose for all intense purposes, I created my own hell. These clothes needed to go in the trash; bending to untie my boots, I toe them off; socks next. Peeling the black t-shirt off of me I see the filth, dried blood and grime….Pushing down the ruined leathers, stepping out of them I get into shower closing the door and place my body under the hot stream of water. Damn. This feels so good. Placing my palms on the cool ocean blue tiles, I let the water beat on my back for several minutes, trying to ease my bruised and battered body. My soul as well if I’m honest. Grabbing the rough cloth and the bar of soap I start the process of getting clean. By the end of the second rinse and repeat, I push the water out of my eyes to see Lhanna standing there watching me. Her beautiful emerald green eyes are shimmering with unshed tears, she says, “You have been in here for a while. I needed to make sure you were ok. She turns and walks back into the other room. My shaft starts to thicken as I look at her. I soap up and shampoo one more time. I finally feel clean. Stepping out of the shower I grab a towel and scrub it through my hair then hang it on the back of the door. Reaching for another, I dry off quickly, and wrap the towel around my hips. Brushing my teeth and doing the Scope thing. Putting on deodorant, I walk out of the bathroom and Lhanna rises up off the bed.

Getting off the bed as Calin walks out of the bathroom, my breath catches in my throat. Damn! He is so ruggedly handsome; raw sexuality. I’ve missed him so much. We need to talk; we need to get things right again. Walking over to the dresser, I pick up the comb. “Sit. I’ll get all those knots out of your hair and check your wound.” Pulling the chair out from the small desk, he sits down. Holding the ends I begin the long task of combing his hair out. He smells like my Calin again, of the ocean at night and dark musk. I want to wrap my arms around him; hold him close and tell him how sorry I am… Finally, his hair is back to its original glory; clean and free of knots. I quickly check the gash on the side of his head; it’s almost healed. Once he feeds, IF he feeds again he will be fine. Having been down in the filth as well, I crave a shower. I’m not sure if I am staying here or not tonight. The thought of leaving him causes a sudden sense of panic and I fight off the tears. As if he read my mind, in a husky voice rising to his feet he turns to me, “Are you OK? I’m sure there is plenty of hot water if you want to take a shower.” Nodding, “that would be great.” Looking in his eyes, I lick my bottom lip unconsciously. A low hiss escapes his lips. My eyes travel down his broad muscle chest to his washboard abs and lower still to his towel, there is movement under the towel. My heart soars! He still wants me!! Keeping my eyes downcast, I walk past him and into the bathroom. Removing my boots and leathers, taking my hair out of the bun, I rinse with the Scope and turn the water on in the shower and get in. The hot water is divine, it’s a soothing balm to my ragged nerves. What if he no longer wants me? Will I be able to go on without him?? I can’t even think about not being with Calin. Refusing to think about that prospect further I turn having my back to the spray wetting my hair down ready for a shampoo, I feel cool air swirl around my wet body. Wiping the water from my eyes, Calin is standing there; his mating scent fills the small bathroom. His gaze intense, questioning me, drinking me in….but fearful. On a rough whisper he simply says, “Dolhanna??” Letting out a cry, I launch myself at him and into his arms.


Lhanna walks to the dresser and picks up a comb. Ordering me to sit, I do as she tells me. Having her so close, smelling her; my mouth waters. Needing to feed, needing to feed her. My shaft jumps at the thought and I have to try to conceal my growing erection under the towel. Her hands feel so good in my hair. She’s so quiet. Who can fucking blame her? The last time she wanted to talk all I did was yell at her; accused her of some foul shit. I have to let her know I love her and I’m sorry. I didn’t mean any of that bull shit I was spewing. I let my male pride and shock get in the way of being rational. Setting the comb down, she’s done with my hair. Too soon as far as I’m concerned. Feeling her panic rise, I turn to her and say “Are you Ok? There should be plenty of hot water now.” She looks up at me and that pretty pink tongue goes along her bottom lip. Sucking in a breath my cock jumps. Keeping her eyes down cast she heads for the bathroom. My control is ready to snap. Hearing the rustle of her clothes come off and hearing the water go on picturing her beautiful, naked lightly muscled body is the last straw. Taking deep breaths to male the fuck up, I get up and walk into the bathroom, opening the shower stall door. Taking in the vision before me almost causes me to cum right there and shame myself. Lhanna in the stream of hot, steamy water as it sluices down her body. She’s so fucking beautiful. MINE. She turns getting the water out of her eyes and looks at me. The fucking seconds tick by; I can barely breathe out her name…. “Dolhanna??” Everything I am, everything I will ever be and everything that I am feeling is in that one word; her name. Before I know what’s happening she lets out a cry and launches herself at me. Pulling her to me with one arm and dropping the towel at my hips with the other, I guide us back into the shower.

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