T.D.R. 21

Rodmyn: Jumping into the ring as Calin went down sigs ready to blow holes in anyone that got the fucking idea about coming up on the general when he is down. Looking towards BL whose weapons are also drawn doing a double take, Viho just sorta fucking appeared, “What the fuck is wrong with the General???” Seeing that weasel little mother fucker come running to the ring, finger on the trigger, my fangs dropped to a dangerous length. “You take another step you piece of shit I will blow your fucking face off…dig???” That little shit keeps coming, “I help him!! I help the General!! Please!” His beady little eyes are darting around like he’s scared or something. The crowd seems to be staying where they are. Which is a good mother fucking thing. I guess they think there are more Garda mixed in with them. Beady eyes looks at me and says “She curse sword! She make him sick. She evil bitch no like him!! Him need to feed from Princess royal blood, be better.” All the time he is pointing to Calin and then to Boss Lady. Looking at BL, “you better go check him, me and Vi got this covered.”

Hearing the exchange between Roddy and the little vampire, I turn and bend down to Calin. Running my hand over his face, taking in all his features that I have misses so desperately, I can see he is breathing. He is so pale. Releasing the breath I hadn’t realized I was holding, I start talking to him. “Baby, open your eyes. Calin, look at me, come on, babe we need to get the fuck out of here.” I gently pat the side of his face trying to get him to come to. His eyes start to flutter open. Thank the Goddess!! His lips are moving, but the words don’t form. I know he lost a substantial amount of blood from the wound at the back of his head. Looking up at Viho, who nods and says, “Do it carina.” My fangs snap out as I raise my wrist to my mouth. Biting down to make punctures, I bring my wrist to Calin’s mouth. The whole time the little vampire is insistent; “Feed him princess, he needs you blood. That fix him good! Hurry!” Calin’s lips latch onto my wrist and he begins to drink. The color slowly returns to his face. Needing to feed myself, I have to be careful how much he drinks. We still need to make it to the top of the tunnel to vapor out of here. We are too far down to do it from here. Pulling my wrist from his grasp, I seal the wounds. “Calin, it’s time to go.” The little vamp comes up to me, “Princess!! No leave me here, she kill me for telling. Me no want her get me no more….” Looking as Calin rises to his feet, the spectators let out a deafening roar of approval

“Yo! We need to git while these fuckers are gonna let us go…” Watching as the General gets to his feet, my man looks a whole lot better than he did just a bit ago. Calin circles the ring, goes to pick up his sword and the beady eyed fuck says “NO!! No touch no more gots bads juju…The Zeli witch lady put curse on it. Make master very sick. Princess good blood fix! Zeli no nice to Caleb. She make me drink blue stuff, make me like dis. Hits me. No leave me here. Take with you.” Fucking Zelina. Seeing the color leave Viho’s face and all of us start scanning the crowd. “We need to go NOW!” Calin raises his arms to silence the arena. All eyes are on him. He still ain’t a hundred percent, but that right there is some true grit.


Looking into Lhanna’s eyes after rising to my feet, I begin to circle the ring to the cheers from the crowd. Reaching for my sword Weasel frantically jumps up and down screaming so I can hear him over the din of the spectators. Hearing what he had to say we all look to the crowd for Zelina. Looking at Viho, I give him a nod so he knows we got his back. My brother does not look good and Roddy is real anxious to get out of here. I have to do this first. Holding up my hands to get the attention of the arena. When the cavern settles down in my most commanding voice, I speak. “You know who I am. You let me fight here among you without trickery or someone trying to put a sword in my back while I was engaged in combat. Yes I have killed, here. Each and every one of you is here for your own reasons. I was here for mine. Death Ring has been in existence for centuries. As right hand to your King, I must report this location.” At this the arena erupts into near pandemonium. Viho shoots his gun in the air to quiet the crowd. “Here me out! I will give you five days’ time to move Death Ring to another location hidden within these vast mountains or perhaps further up in the Appalachian’s. This is how it will be. There are a few good males here” letting my eyes scan the faces before me, “the Garda is always in need of GOOD warriors.” As the talk erupts and some scatter to start shutting this location down, I can only thank the Goddess that this went easy. I could have gotten us all killed, trying to get out of here. Turning from the ring, I feel a tug on my arm. Weasel, uh, Caleb looks at me beseechingly, “Master please, please no leave me here.” With resignation, looking down at him, pointing, “You best not be fucking with me.” Rodman starts to protest and I hold up my hand. Looking at him, “YOU keep an eye on HIM.” Looking down at Caleb. “Caleb, gather my things we’re leaving.” Lhanna steps up next to me, so many unspoken things between, so much to fucking say. THIS is not the time or the place. Vi, Roddy and Caleb all fall into place as we head out of the arena into the tunnels.

We finally emerge from underground we have a couple of hours of darkness left. We can vapor back to the Inn. Turning, I look at Rodman. “You can vapor back with Viho??” At his nod, I turn to Caleb. His eyes are grateful, with unshed tears; he looks at Calin as if he is a God, adoringly. I feel he has been badly abused by Zelina and we can’t leave him here. From what Rodman said on the way down to the arena Caleb was helping Calin. “Caleb, can you vapor?” He nods vigorously, with a broad smile showing sawed off fangs. My heart goes out to him and what he must have gone through. Roddy is still eyeing him warily. Harriet will be all over him, to get him clean and fed. “We won’t have enough time to drive back to Scarsdale. We will spend daylight at the Inn until tomorrow night.” Looking at Calin, heart hammering in my chest, “Bab…umm, are you ready?” He stares at me intently and nods. With that we all dissipate into particles and head back to the Dew Drop Inn.

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