T.D.R. 20

Dolhanna: Forming in front of a passage at the base of a mountain; crossbow in hand at the ready, I hear a sound. Rodman appears to my left, saying “it’s me BL!” Turning to face him, I simply say, “Tell me everything.” After hearing how Calin is fighting in Death Ring, I am in total shock that he has done this; he is NOT thinking rationally. He can’t be thinking at all. Drinking that damn serum caused all this. I am going to get my male out of here. Pushing my guilt aside, time to take action and bring Calin back home. Assertively squelching back the pain that assails my stomach I follow Roddy into a tunnel and make our way down to the bowels of hell.

Waiting at the entrance, I see Lhanna form. Fuck, it seemed like it took for fucking ever. As I walk up to her holding out my hands as she points that damn crossbow at me, “It’s me BL!!!” All she says is “Tell me everything.” So I tell her what I know so far. I also let her know we gots to get him the fuck outta here now. I’m going to have to track that little weasely fuck down. Something is off with that male. Turning, we head down into the cesspool.

I can hear the roar from the spectators as we near the arena. My senses are heightened; ready to fight if needs be. I can smell the blood, the unwashed bodies, death. Crossbow at my back I have my glocks at the ready. Following Roddy into the arena, I could not have been prepared for the sight that was in front of me. Whores, thieves and cut throats. They are all here. The rumors are very true. Seeing Calin in the ring my heart constricts; there are three combatants against him. Turning to Roddy, “Where the fuck is Viho??” Knowing full well Viho is hidden among the crowd should Calin need him. Forcing my way closer to the ring, through the stench of the unwashed bodies trying to get up to front of the ring and to Calin. Finally able to get close enough, I watch and I wait. Roddy steps in next to me. Scanning the arena, I see Viho on the other side of the ring. He gives me a short nod acknowledging that he has seen me as well. I hear the murmurs around me regarding my presence. Soon enough, Calin will sense me. Anxiously, hand on a weapon; I wait to see what happens next….

I am weakening from not having fed. I still have some fucking fight left in me. Stepping up in front of my opponents swinging my blade in a series of double figure eight flicks of the wrist, then double fisting my sword to hold it shoulder level; in battle stance ready for the attacks. They attack at the same time; swinging, slashing and hacking. Spinning to duck a blow I get slammed in the back of the head hitting the floor of ring, feeling the blood ooze down the back of my head. Shaking off the dizziness I rise to my feet and see Lhanna. She is ready to enter the ring, Rodman holds her back What the fuck is she doing here!!! Growling “NO!” I yell out to her. Giving my attention back to the fight before I get my ass killed, with a twist of my wrist, the gleaming blade dances in the light from the torches. Bringing the steel to my side the point facing behind me I impale the fighter behind me. Blood is dripping in my eyes, my chest his burning. Blocking a death blow, spinning low, turning I come back with a kick in his stomach. Watching as his feet fly out from under him I lunge before he hits the dirt. His arms wide as he hits the ground I land on top of him dropping my blade. I grab his neck and squeeze. His eyes bulge, he is clawing at my arms trying to loosen my death hold on him. Moving my hands away from his neck grabbing a handful of hair and his chin I twist violently snapping his neck, ending his miserable existence. Rolling across the packed dirt floor, grabbing my sword, rising just has a head losing swing of a sword misses me getting lodged in a wooden post at the corner of the fighting ring. With my left hand, I grab the asshole who tried to take my head off by the back of the neck and run him full force into his own blade lodged in the post, straight through his forehead. Clean slice of the top of head…. The roar of the crowd is deafening. Sword held over my head, dropping to my knees looking over Lhanna and Rodman, I face plant it in the dirt.

Watching Calin battle as if he is a beserker from a time long ago is, well, a thing of beauty if you can appreciate this sort of thing. I know he is weakening. He finally sees me in the crowd. I do not want my presence to distract him but I have to be here. It’s time for him to get the fuck out of here before this turns into a bad situation; which it just might when we go to take him the hell out of here. The blow he took to the head is bleeding into his face. Watching him go down causes me to start forward but Roddy grabs me to hold me back. Calin growls out “NO!” then turns back to the fight. As a warrior, I can appreciate the beautiful brutally of this whole thing. Watching him finish off his opponents with close calls has me on edge. The match is done; Calin the victor. Dropping to his knees, he looks to me and Roddy and falls flat on his face in the dirt. Heart slamming in my chest Roddy, Viho and I jump into the ring surrounding Calin’s prone form, weapons drawn…

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