T.D.R. 18

Calin: The deeper I go into the bowels of the earth the louder I can hear the roar of the crowd. Inhabitants of this place are now passing me in this make shift hall. There are tunnels that lead off into other “hallways.” Looks are being thrown my way; my expression is giving off the message of “don’t fuck with me.” Making my way to the bottom, finally, I have no idea how deep we are in here. As I push my way through the throng of bodies, the murmurs of “new meat” and “newbie” start to circulate among through the crowd. There are thieves, cut throats, degenerates and even whores. This is going to be a piece of cake. The ring itself is the packed dirt floor with decent sized boulders forming a circle to mark the perimeter. My eyes are ever watchful, by senses attuned, alert. I’m ready for whatever is about to come my way. The adrenaline rush is enough to keep me pumped; never mind the opportunity to start offing some of these low life mother fuckers. Yeah, I still got that anger; still feel that ache. It consumes me… It has become a living breathing part of me. Flexing my fingers, then balling them into a fist, jaw clenched tight, I watch as the next match is about to begin.The two combatants circle each other; it’s obvious who the victor as been. The male is thick; not in a real muscular way, but in girth. His blond hair is matted with sweat and blood. His body is splattered with blood. The new comer is slashing out with his sword like a madman with no control and no precision. Smirking, I see where this is going. The victor sees his opportunity as the wild one lifts his sword over his head like he’s going to cleave blondie in half…. With a forward thrust, the blond vampire sends his sword straight thru the guy. The look of surprise on wild ones face is almost comical. The winner, once again, places his foot on the body pushing it off of his sword, throwing his arms in the air blood dripping off the sword down his arm letting out a roar. The spectators break out in raucous cheers.
Before the next round I feel eyes on me…murmurs are spreading around me. “No fucking way, that ain’t him.” “What the fuck is HE doing here?” “Is he alone?” “I ain’t stupid enough to go up against him.” And the like begins to circulate through the arena. So I am recognized. Someone finally has the cajones to come say something… “So General de la Cruz; slumming it or setting us the fuck up?” Looking down at the ballsy mother fucker…”I’m here to fight. You offering to take me on??” Raising an eyebrow at the weasel looking fuck waiting for an answer. Holding up his hands, shaking his head, “noooo, not me boss everybody knows de le Cruz can kick some serious fucking ass…you are legendary.” Looking at him I just shake my head. A booming voice sounds through the arena; it’s blondie. Turning to face the ring to see what’s going on, that son of a bitch is pointing right at me. “Seems we have a celebrity in the house. Slumming General?? What would the King think of his finest warrior at Death Ring??” All eyes turn on me. “Here I am not the general; he is back in Scarsdale. I am a fighter, just like you.” Spitting in the ring, blondie throws down the gauntlet. “Let’s me and you give it a shot, eh??” Eyes darken, sucking at my teeth, lip twitches…giving him a sinister smile, “let’s do this.” The place explodes in a roar.The little weasel was still at my side. “Boss you need someone watch your stuff.” Looking at him, you take anything, let anyone take anything of mine, anything goes missing and I will find you. Make no mistake about it. I will rip your fucking head off your shoulders and shove it up your ass…you feel me??” Watching Weasel’s eyes go wide, he nods vigorously saying “Not me boss, I no stealing from you! No want my head up my ass. This way.” Leading me to the ring and securing a place for my few possessions. Removing the black t-shirt, my eyes land on my mating band for a brief second. I will NOT die here. Rubbing the ring with my other hand for just a moment I bend down to take one of my swords out. Pinning Weasel with a hard glare, “you remember what I told you fucker.” Turning to the ring, I square off with Blondie. Feeling the bloodlust rise up in me, pleased to finally have the outlet I needed for my anger….. Blondie is overeager; charging me with a roar, sword extended, I easily sidestep, spin and slice his arm. Howling in rage he lunges. Blocking with my own gleaming blade I push him back away from me. Circling each other like the predators we are, I swing my steel over and around my head to bring it out in front of me slicing his arm again only higher. Watching the blood spurt gives me some satisfaction. A roar erupts from the crowd. Like a crazed animal, he comes at me two fisting his sword. Swinging the deadly sharp steel with accuracy, it’s a clean slice at the neck. He stops in his tracks; his head falls to my left, his body to the right. Silence. All I hear is the blood pumping in my veins. And the spectators go fucking nuts...cheering and roaring their approval.Someone comes and removes the pieces from the ring. Taking my left hand and pounding it across my chest several times, chin tucked to my chest, eyes dark purple and full of blood lust I yell above the din: “That’s the best you got?? Who’s next fuckers??” Turning in a full circle, two males enter the ring. Tag team?? I like it. More of a fucking challenge. “Weasel! My other sword!!” The sword is tossed to me from ring side, “Let’s dance bitches.” Charging at them, blades glinting from the many torches lighting the arena, I take on my two opponents. Rushing directly at me, the first fool takes a swing with the axe he is wielding. Ducking and rolling on the packed dirt floor jumping to my feet, number 2 throws a punch to my gut. Staggering back, I go into a round house kick to his head. Number one is swinging the axe like he’s going for a grand slam. Keeping one eye on number two as he gets to his feet, I side step toward him, so my back is too him. Spinning my sword with some smooth wrist action, I jab backwards into his midsection as he runs up on me. Easy one finished. Facing off with number two our blades clash over and over, spinning, slashing, hacking. During the first blows I concentrate on what kind of technique he uses. Both of us moving around the ring with agility and finesse; ready for the attack. My muscles settle into the rhythm of our swordplay. He makes a downward slice, I dodge to keep the blow from being fatal; he manages to get a piece of me. A worthy adversary indeed. Circling each other once again we thrust and deflect…The sound of the steel making contact; sparks fly in the air, the roar of the crowd. My lungs are burning, heart pumping, covered in sweat and blood. The roaring in my ears dulls out all other sound. Feinting to the left, turning, a few flicks and spins of my wrist lunging forward as he tries to take my head off, I plunge my blade to the hilt in his mid-section. Up close and personal his blood flowing over the hilt of my sword, a tick begins under my eye, through gritted teeth, “You lose.” Pushing him off my blade, the onlookers cheer their approval. Staggering back to where Weasel is, I swear I see Viho and Rodman.

”WHAT the fuck are you doing here general?? YOU don’t belong here sir. Let’s go. I start to gather his shit and that rodent looking fucker tries to step up on me. “You must be some dumb mother fucker son.” He looks to Calin who waves him off. “Dolhanna has been a fucking mess since you left man, we need to get you out of here now.” Calin grabbed me and shoved me back. Telling me not to mention Lhanna and tells me to back the fuck off. “Calin, you proved your point, let’s go man. This place is no good. YOU are the General of the Royal Garda. Shit don’t look good with you going rogue. We can just forget this happened if we go now. I get why you are here bro, I do.” Feeling my temper flare, looking around this place brings way to fucking many memories back. I understand his need to have to be here.

“What the fuck are you doing here General are you fucking crazy???”Rodman says through gritted teeth, shoving Weasel to the side. Viho starts ripping into me in Spanish. Turning to face them both dead on “You need to leave NOW. Get the fuck out of here. Vayasen!! Do NOT bring Dolhanna into this!!! I know what I’m doing!” I’m not in a mood to deal with these two. How the fuck did they find me?? Turning my attention back to the ring, trying to hear above the noise of the crowd, I turn and punch the shit out of someone grabbing me. I can’t afford to have this fucking distraction now.

Turning to Viho, “He ain’t gonna leave Vi, This isn’t going to work. We need to get Boss Lady up in this cesspit. She can hold her own here. I’m going back up to the top to try and reach out to her. Do NOT let him out of your sight… Turning and pushing and punching my way through; some of these assholes remember me from not so long ago and give this vamp his due respect. Having been here not that long ago I know a different way out; more direct. Runninng through a series of tunnels after some time I break into fresh night air. I know there is no damn cell service this side of the mountain…I hope like hell I can make this work. Sending a mental message with a picture to BL, ~You need to get yourself up here. He needs you….Hurry your ass, I’ll be here waiting.~

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