T.D.R. 17

Dolhanna: After getting Viho’ text I high tailed it out of the estate to the location he specified. The Dew Drop Inn. Vaporing to the Inn, my heart skips a beat at seeing the Charger. Walking up to it and running my hand down the quarter panel lovingly. I can only pray to the Goddess that Viho and Rodman find Calin and bring him back to me. I desperately need to explain things to him. To make him understand, I miss him with a ferocity I never thought possible. If anything happens to him may the Goddess help me. Sensing which room is his I wave my hand before the door opening it. His scent is faint. He hasn’t been here in a while. Hearing footsteps; I turn towards the door to see an older human female staring at me with wide eyes, “Lhanna?? My sweet child??” Staring in disbelief, “Harriet???” Running into her open arms, hugging her tight. Pulling back, looking into those loving blue eyes from when I was a youngling. “What are you doing here?? Where have you been?? How I’ve missed you!!!” Throwing myself at her again, almost knocking her over, tears fall freely.
Harriet was one of my mamah and pahpa’s domestic’s. When my parents were killed, Harriet became my rock, my family. I was all alone. We had just come from Ireland when my uncle, the king, moved the Royal house to the America’s a few hundred years ago. And that is when they died; shortly after. When I was old enough to go to Training Camp for the Garda, I was devastated when Harriet told me she was going to go back home to Ireland. She told me to go and make my way she would be back should I ever need her. She said she would just know. Harriet always just kinda “knew” things. It’s a gift of sorts. Sitting on the bed, she explains how she went to the King 25 years ago telling him it was time for her to come back and went to explain how she has been keeping an eye on me all this time. She came up here because she knew this is where she would be needed. Eyes filling with tears, I break down and tell her how amazing Calin was through the whole time of my Concupiscentia Tempus to the serum, to Calin leaving. Wiping my tears she pulls me close shhh'ing me and telling me it’s all right. “Those two males will bring him home my love. He is hurting, he loves you still. You believe what I tell you.”
Without warning I get an image of a mountain side and I hear Roddy telling me they found Calin and he is not leaving and I need to get there… Heart pumping I jump off the bed. “Harriet, I have to go to him. I’m going to bring my male home…. Squeezing her hand and kissing her cheek I step outside and vapor to Roddy……

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