T.D.R. 16

Dolhanna: Just stepping out of the shower, my phone is vibrating and doing the tone for a message alert. Grabbing a towel, barely drying off, I grab the phone. Thank the Goddess; it's about damn time. Reading Viho's message my mouth drops open and I read it again. NO! NO! NO! There is only one thing that would draw him there in his current state of mind. Son of a bitch!! This can turn into a VERY dangerous situation. Drying off quickly, pulling my hair back in a pony tail I practically run out to the bedroom and gear up in my leathers. Holstering my weapons and grabbing my crossbow, I pick up the house phone to call Aron. He has to take care of the pups. I tell him I'm not sure how long I will be gone, I WILL be bringing Calin home. Next call is to my Uncle the King. Letting him know that I will not be coming back without Calin. Heading out of the Estate I vapor to the Dew Drop Inn.

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