T.D.R. 13

Viho: After grabbing weapons and others necessities we jump in the Veyron heading upstate New York; shifting gears we weave in and out of traffic like a bat out of hell dodging every car, every sucker that comes between us and our destination. Glancing in the rear view mirror I see three police cars fast approaching; their lights flashing red and blue as they attempt to give chase. Punching the wheel with a flow of curses I press the gas to the floor adding another fifty miles per hour to the speedometer while Rodmyn whoops it up, laughing and yelling. “Now this is what I’m fucking talking about!!!” Snickering I glance at the rear view mirror, we've lost the police for the moment, but it won't be long before they begin to set up road blocks at the exits and send helicopters out after our ass. We've got to move faster. “What's the damn exit, man?!”

Feeling the power of the car zigging and fucking zagging through the traffic is a helluva a rush. Didn’t think my boy here had such mad driving skills. Who’d a thunk it?? Next thing I know we are being chased by three 5-0. Awwww shit, Vi puts the petal to the metal, making short work of losing the po-po. Over the roar of the engine he yells out, about the fucking exit. “1/2 mile up on the right, Route 385.” Hands planted on the dashboard, taking the exit a bit too fast, “you trying to fucking kill us??” Flying off the back road exit a bit to fucking fast, one of those mini vans appear out of nowhere. With some quick maneuvering, we avoid a real bad sitch quick. Looking at Vi; “you gotta slow down on these back roads man, all kinds a shit can jump out like elk, moose bears, minivans…damn.”Seeing the landscape before me, fills me with memories from long ago. I’ve been here in these mountains; I’ve been to the Death Ring. I know what the General is fucking feeling. Its shit you just can’t put into words. It’s just something you gotta do. General is one bad ass fighter; he can hold his own but there may be a few that recognize him. Don’t know how well that shit will go over in that fucking cesspit. Bringing my thoughts back to the here and now; up ahead on the right, there are lights. Looks like a motel and whadda ya fuckin’ know? General’s ride is out front. “Well looky what we got there.”

 Stepping up to the door with Vi who is pounding on the door like crazy, calling out for the General to open the fuck up. “Viho man, chill! You trying to let everyone know we are out here or what??” No sooner than the words are out my mouth an older human female comes out all brass balls asking if she can help us boys with something. Popping a pierced brow at the woman, turning on the Rod Man charm; “Yes ma’am; my friend here didn’t mean to cause such a racket but we are real anxious to find our friend. Pointing to the Charger, that’s his car. We really need to find him his mate, er, wife needs him home. Big guy, long hair.” Yeah I seen him she says to me. This old broad got a set on her….looking both me and Vi up and down. “Say you are friends, huh?? Measuring us up like she can see inside of us, “Calin SAID he was going camping for a few days. He headed toward the mountains last night. I suggest you get moving. Lot of bad stuff goes on across the other side of the mountain. Been feeding him good before he left but he needs to have a real meal soon.” Looking at the older woman, how the fuck… can she…I think she knows. I sense Viho pick up on that vibe the old lady is sending. “Thank you Missss…?” “Names Harriet. You just go get that boy and bring him back.” With that said Miss Thing turned and went back inside. Turning to Vi, “you think she knows we are vampire?? Fuck it for now. I know how to get us there; if he left last night he holed up in one of the many caves up there. You ready to do this?? I can vapor us through parts of the mountain.”

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