T.D.R. 12

Calin: Seeing the falls up head, this is it. Down in to the bowels of the earth; to battle the dregs of the vampire society. It has been rumored that Zelina frequents this arena recruiting degenerates. Maybe I will get lucky and get to cut that bitches head off. Some of her recruits are human, some are vampire. It doesn't matter to that crazy bitch, either or. Reaching for one of the swords on my back...I take the first step under the rushing fall of cold water, a shitload of emotions running crazy in my head missing my female, still angry as fucking hell and hungry. Dolhanna has been pushing at me; staying in my thoughts as always. I’m hungry for her, but can’t do this with her; I’m hungry for the fight, hungry for the kill. Making my way behind the rushing water, I find myself in a cave beyond the falls. It looks like there is no exit. I know better. Placing the sword back in the satchel, I pull out the bowie knife. Got to be prepared for any shit or asshole that might come my way. The grip of the knife has molded to my palm from years of use; perfectly balanced, ready to slice a throat. Taking a deep breath I dive under the water and swim to the other side.
Swimming for what seemed a lifetime, passing skeletal remains of the poor fucks who didn’t make it. Chest burning for air, pushing hard, I see an opening in the solid stone. Swimming through and up I break through the surface, taking in precious gulps of air. Once my lungs are happy again, I take in my surroundings; pushing the wet hair off my face, I skim the top of the water silently and make my way to some rocks and pull myself out of the water. Looking around, I see an opening in the natural stone wall. Carefully looking around, I remove the satchel and take off the heavy ass leather coat. Replacing the satchel across my shoulders, I head to the opening. Peering in as my eyes adjust to the total darkness, I begin my decent as my blood once again roars through my veins, nostrils flared, hearing attuned to the slightest sound. Further down I go to what can only lead me to Death Ring.

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