T.D.R. 11

Rodmyn: Getting restless as hell, this waiting shit is for the birds. What the hell can possibly take so fuckin' long for security to get the GPS tracking on the General's phone activated? Turning off Private Practice, I toss the remote down just as my cell goes off. Grabbing it, security, finally! Hitting answer... "Talk to me man. Well?? Are you fucking sure? Yeah, aight." Hanging up I pull up Viho and hit call one ring, two, "We got one helluva a problem. General is in the fucking Catskills." Holding the phone from my ear at the yelling and cursing from the other end.... "Yeah, I said the fucking Catskills and you know what the fuck is up there. I'm on my way." Pocketing the cell, I head out of my rooms to the other side of the estate. Dolhanna is NOT gonna be happy with this piece of info....FUCK!

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