T.D.R. 10

Calin: Finally able to leave the caves; darkness has fallen. With the warmer weather comes longer daylight. My cell died hours ago. Placing it in the duffel bag, holstering my weapons, I walk out of the cave. Lobo is still here; looking at him I grunt and the familiar cramping in my fucking gut hits again. Shit, it’s been almost over a week since I’ve fed. It’s only going to get worse. I just have to put that shit outta my mind. Making my way down the incline, I wonder what is up with the wolves. If they were going to attack, they would have done it by now and wouldn’t have bunked down in the cave with me. Looking up at the stars, maybe they are a gift of some sort from the Goddess. Mentally shrugging, who the fuck knows. Looking to my left over at Lobo who just happens to look my way, I tell him I’m getting ready to do my magic trick. “See you up ahead mi amigo.”
Vaporing several miles up ahead, there, I see the outline of the ruined monastery. The air is static, charged with negative electricity. I’m close. I can hear the waterfall beyond the trees. Looking at the skeletal remains of the once majestic place gives me pause. I decided to sit here for a few to let Lobo catch up, if he comes. I don’t know why it just seems the thing to do. Reaching into the backpack I take out a bottle of water, screwing the top off, taking a good swig wishing for a bottle of Jack instead. Sensing Lobo before I actually hear him, I let out a sharp short whistle and the 3 wolves come out of the trees. Lobo out front the other 2 stay further back. Walking past me, thru the ruins he heads to the other side. Turning, it seems as if he waiting for me. Who the hell am I to argue if I’m getting an escort?
Finishing the water, I put the empty bottle back in my pack, slinging it over my shoulder. Taking my bowie knife out I look to Lobo…”Lead the way amigo.” Once through the ruins, the woods become very tense make a slow go of it. The roar of the water fall is closer. The air has become damp, heavy with moisture. The air is charged. My blood starts to vibrate, hum. I’m ready to battle, to maim the dregs of society. Way I look at it?? It’s one way to get rid of the sorry fuckers. The sound of the waterfall is loud now, breaking out of the forest, there it is. I have to walk under the fall to the other side and there will be an opening leading down to the bowels of the earth; to Death Ring. I can feel eyes on me. Someone is watching. Word of a new comer’s arrival will spread quickly. Wonder how surprised they will be once they figure out who I am. It could make for an interesting visit. I’m either going to get to fight or die fighting. Looking over at Lobo he sits and lets out a yap. This is it, uh amigo? I thank you for the escort. Turning I make my way toward the falls. Flash lightening dances in the clear sky. Sucking my teeth, lip twitching in anticipation of the confrontation soon to come, boots stepping heavily on the muddy bank, knife gripped in my left and as I slide a sig out of the holster with my right. Bring it mother fuckers…..

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