08 C. R. - Calin waits for Viho

Calin: Haven't seen Viho since our uh, "discussion." Fuck...haven't been able to catch him so I can admit what an ass I was for blowing up the way I did. This ranch is to damn big... Walking into the main house I track down Sergio to see if he can tell me where Viho is. "Hey Sergio, can you tell me where Viho is??" Watching the servants eyes go wide and mumble something about "Dios por encima de salvarme ..." Sergio goes wide eyed and stammers out; "T-the m-master has gone to town to p-purchase things for his t-trip s-sire. He s-should be b-back s-shortly." Turning he takes off like a bat out of hell. Shaking my head, I walk down to the bar and grab a bottle of black label Guaro. I plant my ass on the couch and wait for Vi to return....

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