05 C. R. - Calin Asks Viho To Return

Calin: Lhanna is inside making a call to Jessie for updates on the trainees and of course to call Aron to speak to him regarding the pups. I was deep in thought about the unnecessary deaths of my warriors; the betrayal of that rat bastard Darrow, bringing up new recruits for special ops. Sighing heavily, rubbing a hand against the back of my neck to ease the tension I hear Viho's question. Taking a minute to answer, my face all serious business, I reply... "Damn nice guest house Vi; thanks for making it secure for us." Inhaling deeply and letting out a frustrated sigh I begin. "My friend, I need you to come back to the states. To New York. We've got a bad fucking sitch. We have a trader who has been giving info to the Inerts as to where and when we will strike. We've lost good males and females because of the duplicity of that bastard Darrow.... Having you fighting with us again will be the added bonus to put an end this war with Zelina. I need you my man." Turning away from me as he listens is no surprise. I knew this wouldn't be easy. The mention of Zelina causes his eyes to narrow, his nostrils flare, hands clenching into fists.
 "YOU can't be fucking serious Viho! What the fuck is this shit??? You have dozens of workers here who can do the restorations and take care of things in your absence. You walked away from the Garda once before and I let you; no questions, no hassle. WE need you to come back. You can't keep hiding from your past playing with grapes and digging in the fucking dirt!!!" Running a frustrated hand down my face, I see Lhanna come out onto the patio. Stepping up to him pointing a finger, "This is such bullshit Viho and you know it. This is YOUR chance to do the right thing; this is YOUR chance to help kill that bitch and end this thing. With her gone you are free! Don't you see that?? Fucking hell Vi??? When did you become a God damn coward???? My anger is palatable; I hear Lhanna call my name as I stomp off towards the orchards. I need to calm the fuck down. Raising a hand, shaking my head I walk into the darkness....

Stepping outside just in time to hear Viho and Calin start arguing, I decide it's best to not interfere between the two friends. Leaning up against the table, I know Calin is beyond angry. This was not the response he anticipated. A bit of resistance?? Sure. Not a flat out "No." Some of the things he said to Viho were very harsh, watching him turn to go into the night I call to him. Waving me off, he keeps going. Turning to Viho I say, "He needs time to calm down. I will go after him in a little while. Walking over to Viho I place a hand on his arm, looking him in the eye. I KNOW what you went through at the hands of Zelina my friend. You are still here; Calin found you. He's right though; you can't stay here and hide no matter how beautiful or quiet it is. You have to come back. You are a warrior at heart and you know it. Squeezing his arm, I walk off after Calin....

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