04 Costa Rica - Landing in San Jose

Calin: Landing in San José Tobías Bolaños International Airport, the crew brings the steps to the plane so we can disembark. Feels good to actually stretch these long ass legs of mine. Walking in front of Lhanna looking around making sure shit is copacetic as we get off the plane. It’s not that she can’t handle her business; it’s the mated male in me to protect her. Hearing her chuckle behind me we make our way down the metal steps heading toward the terminal. Home. I’m gonna see my boy and we will bring him back. Time for him to get back in the game.

We finally land; Calin steps in front of me as we leave the plane. I have to chuckle; he protects me and guards me even though I’m a warrior in my own right. It warms my heart just the same. Going down the metal steps I scan the area out of habit. Can never be too safe. Walking across the pavement we enter the terminal. The weapons are concealed by the veil we placed over them so they can’t be detected once we get to customs. Because we were a private flight the customs deal was short and sweet. It also helped that the security officer was a vamp and recognized Calin and I. Nodding in respect to our stations he quietly says “Generals, welcome to Costa Rica. Sir it is good to have you home again."

Walking up to customs officer, we realize he is one of us. He acknowledges us with a nod and welcomes me home. Looking at his ID badge, “It’s good to be home Santiago.” Done in customs, gathering our bags I tell Lhanna that Viho has a car waiting for us out front. No sooner do we walk through the sliding doors, glances being thrown our way, a young male approaches us. “Sir, I work for Senior Bentancur, me llamo is Juan Carlos and I am to take you to the ranch. May I take your bags sir??” Giving the bags over to the young male who looks to be about 24 in human years; I give the bags to him; he puts them in the back of the new Range Rover. Opening the back door for Lhanna, she slides in and I get in next to her. Juan Carlos closes the door, runs to the front of the vehicle hops in starting the engine and hitting the road. Looking at Lhanna, “it’s about an hour’s ride from here. We’ll be there in no time babe. Finally getting out of the city and moving into the countryside, I begin telling my female about all the different things we are passing. The coffee bean fields, sugar cane. All the wild flowers that grow profusely along the side of the road are actually Impatiens that humans pay for in the states. It feels good to be home again. There is so much I want to share with and show Lhanna. Making a mental note to bring her back here soon; we both need some time away and alone.

Seeing the young male approach us, Viho must have shown him a photo of us. Introducing himself as Juan Carlos, he takes our bags. Getting situated in the Land Rover, Juan Carlos gets in the driver’s seat and we take off. Leaving the bright lights of the city behind us I watch Calin’s face transform as he begins telling me about the different fields and what is growing. Who would have thought that Impatiens are considered weeds here! Feeling the pride roll off of him, I know we need to make a huge effort to come back. Settling in for the ride, I listen and look to where Calin point out various places or tidbits of information. The area we enter isn’t really rural, but is far removed. Stopping at a huge iron gate, Juan Carlo punches in a code and the gate slowly open. This is Viho’s home….

The night is balmy and warm; you can smell the flowers in the night air. Not like the stench of NYC. The air here in the country is clean, fresh. Taking in a deep fortifying breath, I know we are getting close to the vineyard. Shaking my head, wine. Viho is making wine. My man needs to get back into the thick of things. This shit is not good for him to be isolated out here all alone. Mayhap it’s time for him to find a new mate. This thought causes me to pull Lhanna closer to me. Coming out of my thoughts as we pull in front of a large metal gate, Juan Carlos punches in a series of numbers and the gate opens inwardly. Passing through, he stops the vehicle to make sure the gates close back up before heading up the long driveway to the ranch. Nodding in approval, Viho trained him well. Up ahead in the glow from the veranda lighting is the silhouette of the male I consider my brother. A grin splits across my features as we come to a stop. Getting out of the Land Rover, Lhanna right behind me, shit eating smirk on my face, as well as Viho’s, clasping forearms, a one shoulder hug and lots of back pounding, I step away still grinning….”Damn my man; you look like shit!” He actually looks damn good. Stepping aside, so he can see Lhanna, she smiles broadly at him hugging him tight as a sister would a brother…. These are the two most important beings in my life. Kissing his cheek, she says “Viho, it’s good to see you!” Kissing Dolhanna's hand he notices the mated rings… Looking up at me he says, “Well it’s about fucking time!”

Shit! It took me almost losing her to finally admit what I felt. The fact that she felt the same?? Grinning, I pull Lhanna closer and kiss the top of her head. My cojones are just fine, thanks…. Smirking and accepting the ribbing and congrats we make our way into the house. Viho leads us to a table set up with food. His domestic, Sergio, is white as a sheet and looking quite uneasy; flashing him a wide grin making my fangs drop and a wink, Sergio damn near fell over himself trying to get out of the room. Thrusting my chin toward the retreating servant, “What’s with him?” Grinning wider, “we’ve missed your ass; let’s just play catch up for the rest of the evening before I get down to the biz that bought us here.”

Listening to the two of them start in with each other is just like old times. I haven’t seen Calin this at ease and happy in a while. Remembering the night that brought us together; the night that spear almost killed me. Shaking loose of those thoughts, we are escorted into the lovely house through a series of rooms before we are settled in the dining room where a light repast has been put out with wine from Viho’s own stock. Watching Sergio stare back and forth between us, the domestic looks ready to pee himself. It doesn’t help that Calin flashed his fangs at the poor guy! Shaking my head laughing, “Calin!! Stop it…poor man will probably sleep with garlic around his neck tonight! Not that that really works….” Taking the offered glass of wine from Viho and taking a sip, “Ahhhh Sangria. VERY nice.” Hearing Calin’s response to Viho’s question I add, “Viho we haven’t seen each other in a very, very long time….It has to be 50 years at least. Shame on you for leaving us so long….” Let’s just talk and catch up on things first….”

It was a cross bow with a spear Viho; I almost went to the other side…. BUT I didn’t; so let’s not dwell on that. Calin will fill you in on that I’m sure.” My eyes narrow at Viho thinking he’s funny calling me Dolhy, so I give him a low growl. “I think Sergio has an idea now that you aren’t exactly human; you gonna have some explaining to do Ricky! We all laugh at the I Love Lucy reference. “Viho, this Sangria is delicious; the fresh fruit just finishes it off. Reaching for a piece of Gouda cheese and a slice of crusty fresh bread., taking a bite savoring the flavor;” Viho you spoil me! This from the Monteverde Cheese Factory isn’t it?? And you have pineapple ice cream for me???” At his wink, I know he did. My favorite. Goddess it’s good to be with him again. Noticing the time, “It will be day light soon; we need to get to our quarters before the sun rises.” Viho is a daywalker. He wasn’t fully converted.

We follow Viho to a guest house which is situated just beyond the main house. Getting us settled inside, we do the shoulder hug once again. Damn. Didn’t realize how much I missed hanging with my boy. Everything is in order for us; if we need anything Juan Carlos will be meeting our needs. Placing the cheeses, fruit and more sangria on the table, he lets us know he has rooms above the main level with an entrance to the outside as well. If we need anything we are to call his extension. Viho kisses Lhanna on the cheek; he's the only male who can get away with that other than the King, saying we will see him when the sun sets.

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