02 Calin Has a Plan - A Puppy

Dolhanna: I was so thrilled the breeder still had a pup left from the same litter as Bear and Jewels.... I hope Jessie, a new trainee from the training Center, will love the fur ball as much as I do Bear and Jewels. She's new here and I heard she loves dogs. Yeah, this will work. Hearing the message alert on my phone go off saying she'll be here any minute, I scoop the little male up and head towards the door. Hearing the knock, I call out it's open Jessie! *holding the puppy in front of me*

Babe, you BETTER hope she likes him.

*Jessie finally arrives and I place the male in her arms, giving her the smile that makes her wonder what I'm up too* Well, Jess you could sorta say that... he's for you! Watching her eyes go round as eggs, I go on to explain how we have Jewels and Bear and they are showing such promise as warriors in their own right even if they are still babes. What great companions they are becoming.... I continue on telling her I thought it would be beneficial on a professional level as well as a personal one for her. The little male licked her nose just as I finished my speech... *grins*

Watching as my beautiful female "sells" the pup to Jessie makes me chuckle. Not sure if the female is going to buy any of this. Then to find out she's going to be in charge of the Training Camp for a few days??? Shit isn't going to be easy but I know she'll do the job just fine. My female and I are going to Costa Rica to see Viho. He is the reason for this trip, my closest friend. Serious ass history there.

"See?? He loves you already and he's house broken. Aron has been working on their basic training and I have a K9 specialist coming to train them in a few weeks to go in the field with us when they are adults. Whenever you aren't going to be around you can bring him with Bear and Jewels. He is their brothe...." Seeing the tentative scratch behind his ear, I think I'm making progress. Might as well tell her about our trip. "Jessie, Calin and I are going back to Costa Rica in a few days for a short trip." Her head snaps up from looking at the pup. She asks if everything is ok and I assure her it is.
"We are going to bring Viho back. You will be in charge of our trainees while we're gone. W
ith all the shit that is going down with Darrow we need the best of the best fighting alongside of us. Viho left the Garda a few decades ago. We NEED him back. We have to do a face to face with the male. We know you can handle the Training Center while we are gone. We shouldn't be gone more than 5 days TOPS. Yeah, Viho. *I think it will be good for Calin to have him back and it will definitely be good for the Garda.* Here's something you will like. Because you were down at the Training Center and you worked with the recruits, we want our numbers for the Royal Garda increased here in Scarsdale. Calin and I want 25 of the best recruits from your recommendation up here by mid month.

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