01 Calin Has a Plan - Humans...

Calin: Humans. The lot of them haven't a clue what is walking among them, living in the house next door...signing your damn paycheck. NYPD perhaps... The dangers that are living with you?? You don't have a fucking clue how close you come to death everyday....We Vampires have taken roles "living" with you humans. Ever wonder why the guy next door always takes a night shift and you never see him during daylight hours? The Stefan the radiologist that you are friends with at the hospital?? Couldn't attend your daughters Sunday afternoon wedding or your Memorial Day BBQ. We've infiltrated human jobs, not only to help save your asses, but to fight the fight against Zelina and her Inerts; to save MY race. This battle grows stronger and more violent every fucking day. I command this army, I do what needs to be done. I doubted myself a few days ago; war can do that to a male. *lip twitches* Yeah, I'm fucking good now... there is always a plan.
I need to let Dolhanna know we will be taking a quick trip back to my home. To Costa Rica. I DO have a plan...

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