02 Calin And Dolhanna

Dolhanna: I vapor to the location that had been monitored with a high volume of Inert activity. Calin came in right behind me. These damn humans don’t have a clue as to the death and destruction going on around them while they shop and “oooo and ahhh” at a damn tree. Night after fucking night we are out here fighting to protect the race as Zelina takes more humans every day to her side; this war is far from over. Not until that crazy bitch’s head is severed from her body. It will be me or Calin who get that pleasure, I assure you. That bitch is ours. The calculations were dead on; temp in the alley is way lower than what the thermometer is saying. They are close. Going to my holsters I pull my Glocks; eyes scanning the perimeters and doors in the alley.

Vaporing in the alley with Dolhanna, its apparent there is definitely some shit going down here. The temp is a dead giveaway blue goo bastards are close. Christmas. Humans do not even realize what is selling them their must have gifts and have to have that’s…. Shaking my fucking head. Like Lhanna said, if they only knew of the evil that surrounded them. Fighting this damn battle is never ending. Zelina and her minions are like fucking cock roaches; they just keep coming out of the wood work. Scanning the alley, keeping close to Lhanna, I cast a veil through the alley and surround warehouse to keep unwanted company at bay. No need for an audience. Palming a Sig in each hand, eyes narrow scanning the dark for any unusual shit….motioning to Lhanna with my chin towards a door slightly open… we move in.

Getting to the doorway there is activity inside; Calin slowly pushes the door open a bit more to have a look see inside. He mouths “five inside” to me. I smirk; this is a piece of friggin cake. Leaning in on the door frame, guns ready to blaze I say in a very loud, very irritated voice, “Well fuck General, why the hell weren’t we invited to this little get together??” Forcibly walking into the center of the room, both arms up and out Glocks ready to fire, eyeing the five popsicle mother fuckers hoping one of them is stupid enough to get this party started. Drugs in every form are scattered throughout the room, getting ready for the street….not tonight.

Rolling up to the door, all sorts of stuff going down inside… Looks like drugs getting packaged for sale on the streets…fucking Zelina. Staying to the left, Sigs ready to do what they do best, blast bitches to pieces. Hearing Lhanna wonder why we weren’t invited to the get together, I chuckle and ask, “good question, you assholes care to answer that?? No?? How about where’s Zelina??" From the far left one of the Inerts is gonna make his move. He lunges at me knife in hand, I pull the trigger twice; shoot his ass down real quick, blue shit flying. The other two dickheads come at me and I get one point blank in the face, with a shove pushing the oozing body from me. Holstering my weapons with efficiency, I go hand to hand with the next one. Pulling back with my right I land a perfect straight shot to his face, shattering his nose, his head snapping back. Before he even hits the floor, I grab hold of his neck and snap, dropping him like the piece of shit he was. Turning I see Lhanna is holding her own. I wouldn’t expect anything less.

To my left I see the first dumb ass must have ate some Wheaties this morning, he lunges for Calin. These two fools ought to be short work here, no biggy. Holstering my Glocks, and pulling out my dagger, wiggling my fingers at the two with a smile, “Come on let’s do this.” One takes a leap at me and I kick him in his nuts; as he bends over howling, I spin bringing my blade cleanly across his neck from ear to ear…the only sound coming from him is a gurgling before his body hits the floor. His buddy takes a flying leap over a table, I step right, he face plants the floor. *REALLY?* Taking the already sticky blue covered blade I bury it to the hilt in the back of the Inerts neck finishing him.

Pulling out my cell, I call Darrac to get his squad over ASAP to get this shit cleaned up…the bodies and “blood” where already disintegrating. This small warehouse needed to be gone over with a fine tooth comb and everything in it disposed of. A properly contained and maintained explosion should do the trick. One less place for Zelina. Moving towards Lhanna, “What’s doing baby?”

Looking up at Calin, I say easy op tonight, was hoping for a little more action. Got a lot of pent up energy…Looks over at the entrance as Darrac and his squad enter. Ready to get a hot shower on and some clean clothes and food. Looks down at myself and the blue shit that is splattered on me. You want me to stay to oversee all this??

Calin: Shaking my head…you are starting to sound like your sister ya know. I laugh at the look my female gives me. Hot shower huh?? Sounds good. Food?? You know I’m always ready for some food!! Meet me back at my place in 45, just need to finish up here. Work for you?? Seeing her nod, I wink at her before she vapors out. Thinks I have an outlet for that pent up energy....

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