01 Calin And Dolhanna

Dolhanna: Pacing up and down the hallway I’m agitated. It’s been quiet in the city. TOO quiet. Zelina and the Inerts have been laying low. THAT does not bode well for the human residents of the Big Apple and surrounding areas. Things are going to get nasty real fucking quick if that crazed bitch is up to her usual no good shit. Her craziness believes King Mhenace has no right to the throne. He is the rightful heir! She wants the crown. She will NEVER have it. Calin has been away with the King; doing what he does best. Protecting the royal family. I miss him; since we have taken our relationship to the next level things are better I could have hoped for. Nothing has changed; he has my back and I have his. If anything the bond we have always shared is even stronger now. Hitting the gym may be just what I need; too many pent up, dangerous emotions…shit, I need to hunt and I need to kill those blue goo for blood bastards…..

Changing into a pair of black yoga pants and a tank top, grabbing my sparring gloves and iPod I vaporize to the gym. After doing some initial warm up stretching, I’m ready for a nice hard run to get the blood circulating…..I put in the ear buds and crank up the volume…yeah Linkin Park is a good start. Hopping on the treadmill I start at a nice jog, tunes blaring everything out, clearing my mind….yet very aware, as always, of my surroundings. I pick up my pace running faster, harder. I begin to sweat…my legs pumping, muscles burning lungs ready to explode, I push myself to the extreme; I slow the pace back down to a jog, my heart slamming in my chest…..Yes. This helps. Getting off the treadmill, I down a bottle of water and head for the heavy bag….a grin forms. Pulling on my sparring gloves and tossing the iPod aside, I close in on “my target.” I can still see the face of that fucker that tried to off me…he almost succeeded. I throw a right and then a left…a kick, an elbow…another right. I round house kick and the chain is starting to give. Punch after punch after punch I throw, my knuckles are bleeding, I can feel it through the gloves. My chest is on fire. Goddess this feels so damn good…. One last powerful kick and the bag rips and the stuffing floats through the air. Falling to my knees, breathing heavily, I remove my gloves. As my breathing returns to normal I vaporize back to my rooms….

Peeling the sweat soak clothes from by body and tossing them in the laundry chute, I head for the shower and turn on the nozzles…. The hot water feels like heaven on the muscles I just abused. Standing under the water reminds me of the first time Calin and I were together….It was amazing. I make quick work of my shower…. Taking one of Calin’s t-shirts that he left here; I put it on; it smells of him…the beach at night and something darkly exotic….my phone goes off in an alert… picking it up to read the message. It’s Calin be home this time tomorrow baby, be at my place. My heart races, just a bit, in anticipation and a slow smile forms on my lips……

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