03 Chap 10

RYANNE: Looking around the room Lhanna gave me to stay in, I was overwhelmed how beautiful and how large it was. As she closed the door I turned and almost locked it. But Dolhanna was going to bring me some clothes to put on. I walked over to the bed and ran my hand over the Forest Green comforter. It took my breath away; it was so soft. I smelled the air, it reminded me of fresh linens. One of my favorite scents that reminded me of my childhood before my life had been brutally changed forever. My childhood ripped from me. Going into the bathroom I could not help but smile. It was the biggest shower I had ever seen, and there was a large sunken tub. Turning on the water in the shower to get warm I slipped out of my clothes, tossing them into the trash. Climbing into the shower, standing under the warm spray I turn my face up into the water. It felt so good, turning letting it massage my back, I could still feel where Diarmuid had kicked me. Grabbing the shampoo I dumped some into my hands and started to lather my hair. Smiling at the fresh scent Lhanna had selected. All the scents of our childhood.

After rinsing and conditioning my hair I scrubbed every inch of my flesh till I finally felt clean. Turning off the water I grab a towel drying off, still seeing bruises on my legs and arms. I shiver remembering how they got there. After towel drying my hair, I comb out the tangles. Looking around I find a dryer, so I put it to use. Looking in the mirror , I smile a little and my eyes start to mist over. Sighing thinking nothing can change the past and I have missed so much. I have to go forward if I want to get on with my life. Walking out into the room there was a T-shirt and yoga pants waiting for me, also a package of boy cut briefs and a few bras. After getting dressed I pull my flip flops from my backpack, I walk back into the suite. Bear and Jewels came to greet me. I could not help but smile as they danced around my legs as I walked.Sitting on the table was the food Lhanna had promised. My stomach let out a big rumble and I let out a laugh as I grabbed an apple and took a bite out of it. As I sat down at the table I start looking under all the trays sitting there. So much for just 3 people, this would last me for 2 weeks. Just then I heard the door handle move, my mind went back to the day that set me free. Grabbing a knife I stood scared facing the door,but ready to protect myself.

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