01 Chap 10

RYANNE: The sun had finally set and she was able to sneak off the grounds of the “prison” that held her for so long. Ryanne stood looking down at the grave. Dark glasses covered her bruised eyes. The cut over her right eye was slowly healing, her lip was bleeding and her ribs hurt; she knew they were broken. She knew she needed to feed soon, she was not healing fast. She was only given enough nourishment to keep her alive. A light breeze blew her long brown hair from her face. She lifted her face to the sky and breathed the fresh air. Letting out a rough laugh, “I told you not to lay a hand on me ever again. You are now paying for every beating you had ever given me. Every lie you ever told me.” Slipping her mated ring off, she let it drop into the dirt. “I am now free from you and your family. Now I can start to live. The prison you kept me in all those years has taught me a lot. How not to care, how not to show any emotions.”

Reaching into her memories she pictured her best friend and cousin Dolhanna. It had been a birthday party for her; smiling, she pulls the rag doll from her backpack. She kept it thru the last two centuries, it was nothing to look at, but meant everything to her. Lhanna had given her the handmade doll as a present. That was the last time she had seen her. It was that night her father told her she would be leaving the next evening to be married to Diarmuid (deer-mid) O’Foghlah. The marriage had been arranged since her birth. She had begged her father not to send her away and promised to be good. He told her it was set in stone, but that she would see him again. She would come to visit and would come to see her. “What about Dolhanna father? Can she come and see me? Can I go visit her?” He looked at her with sad eyes. ”Ryanne my darling girl, just ask your husband in a few months I am sure he would do that for you.”

Remembering back to that day had always made her chest hurt, she rubbed over her heart trying to make the feeling go away. When Diarmuid arrived to get her, he was much older than she imagined; he was an old male! She was still playing with dolls. He was just under 6ft tall, brown hair that was graying on the sides and his stomach stuck out over his pants. He was not braw like the lads that worked in the fields. He had looked at her with angry brown eyes. Looking her up and down, he frowned. Turning to my father he said, ”Well the lass is not much, I guess she will grow into her own.” He then handed my father a large, fat pouch filled with coin. She can still remember hearing the coins jingle inside. ”Here is your payment, our deal is done.” Turning back to me he said, “Get your things; we have a long journey ahead of us and I want to get back on the road.”

Snapping back to the present, reaching in her back pocket she took out the folded sheet of paper and looked at the address and smiled. “Cousin, how I have missed you. I will see you soon.” Checking her daggers in her boots again and the gun at her back. She swung her backpack up on her shoulder then vapors just outside the airport to catch her flight to the United States. There she would go the the Estate where her cousin now lives.

Ryanne vaporized back to form behind a small home not far from Dublin Airport. Here she will be meeting with her friend Dooley Martin and his wife Adiel. He was the only man in her life she trusted. Thinking back about how he had befriended her after the first time Diarmuid had hit her. Adiel was one of the maids who looked after her needs. She would never forget the look on Adiels face when she saw Ryannes black eye. She became outraged and from that moment on she was never far from Ryannes side. Especially when ever Diarmuid ever came around. Dooley had been assigned to guard Ryanne to make sure she never left the grounds. Little did Diarmuid know that Dooley was also protecting Ryanne from him.

Dooley made all the arrangements to get Ryanne’s passport, exchange currency and transfer funds to a bank in the US. When she arrived they gave her a messenger bag containing her airline tickets, passport and money. A book to read while on the flight. She was overwhelmed with everything they had risked to help her over the centuries and saying goodbye was going to be hard.” Without the two of you watching over me all this time I may not have survived Diarmuid's abuse. I love both of you and will never forget you. Thank you for helping me.” Reaching down in her boots she handed Dooley her daggers and then handed him her gun. “Sell the gun, keep the daggers they are worth money for how old they are. Sell them if you need the money.”

“I have to leave now, and yes you can give me a ride to the airport. I could not think of a better send off.” Once at the Dublin Airport Ryanne hugged Dooley and Adiel and told them she would send word when she arrived. Hearing her flight called, she threw her back over her shoulder she made her way to the ticket stand. Holding her head high knowing she had a brand new life ahead of her and it was not going to be easy. Getting to her seat she opened the messenger bag and found a small wrapped packed. “For your Trip” She opened it and laughed. It was an Ipod filled with books and music. Whispering a thank you to her friends.

The flight was uneventful and arrived at JFK International on schedule. Once off the plane I went through customs.This went smoother than I expected also. With a smile on my face I walked out the doors and down the sidewalk busy with people being dropped off and picked up. Once out of sight I took the address out of my back pocket and vapored to Scarsdale in front of a security gate at the Estate. Seeing guards come alert raising their weapons to at me.
Raising my hands, * I am Ryanne and I’m looking for my cousin Dolhanna...*

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