01 Fifty Shades Of Calin

Calin: Contemplating whether or not I’m going to be able to pull this whole thing off, I’m considering just scratching the whole damn idea. Dolhanna has had her nose buried in those Shades of Grey books for a couple weeks now. Shit’s been on the news and talk shows; females are all talking about it non-stop. Vampire and human. I got curious and flipped through it, reading bits here and there. My eyes got opened real fucking wide and the story planted some wicked ideas in my head. Now, will Lhanna follow my lead? Will she play along?? Taking a deep fucking breath, shaking my head. “Lets get this party started...” Knowing she was down in the gym I had some time to get everything ready. Smirking and rubbing my hands together in anticipation, I head for the shower.
Getting into the shower, I make quick work of getting myself clean. Stepping out of the marble stall, I wrap a towel on my hips and grab one for my hair. Time for a trim, damn hair is nearly long as Lhanna’s. Scrubbing my head with the to
wel then tossing it into the hamper, I decided to comb my hair back tying it off with a hair band thingy. I shaved and got my face smooth as a newborn’s butt. Lhanna likes it like that as I grin to myself in the mirror. Lhanna always loved the smell of Quorum, by Paco Rabanne. 30 years later, I still make sure I have a stash; it’s not that easy to find anymore. So now, I always keep some on hand. Walking into our bedroom, I go to the closet and grab a pair of Armani Moto weathered jeans. They sit real low on my hips and are a loose fit; no jockey’s tonight. Commando. Pulling two bags from the top shelf in the back on my side of the closet, I walk into the bedroom, placing the bags on the bed. The Playtime Boutique was quite the experience. I HAD to fucking ask Rodman about a decent adult store he is the only one who would know about a place like that. Fucker couldn’t just tell me, had to try and get all nosey and break my cojones. Shaking my head, I have to laugh, he WAS pretty fucking funny. I told him if he breathes one damn word to Lhanna about me going there, he would be right by my side at the TC, making nice with the trainees. That shut him up pretty damn quick.
First things first. 10 vanilla scented candles; picked simply because of the aroma. Lhanna’s own dark sensual vanilla scent, mixed with the candles will fuel my arousal even further. Placing 3 candles on either night table and 4 on one end
of the dresser, I light them. Walking back around the Cali King to my bag of goodies I remove four lengths of black satin cords, a silk blindfold, and a long single, stiff feather the clerk said would make her wild. My shaft jumps to attention thinking about what is about to go down. Placing the cords on the dresser, putting the massage oil on the bedside table, I leave the feather on the pillow. Caleb has Bear and Jewels for the night. Aron and Harriet have left the food I required for the day. Walking down the hall to kitchen, palming the handle of the fridge and pulling it open, I scan the shelves. A lopsided grin breaks out on my face; there they are, white chocolate covered strawberries. Lhanna’s favorites. Taking the plate into the bedroom, setting it down on the dresser I pick up the remote putting on background music for ambiance. Picking up my phone, taking a real deep breath, I send Lhanna a message: Female, I need you here at home; cut your workout short. Shower there. You have 15 minutes. Walking back into our bedroom I wait. My phone alert goes off; it’s a “Uhhh, OK.” response. This better work.
A few minutes later, I hear Lhanna come in and call out for me; “Back here.” Leaning on the frame to the closet, arms crossed, ankles crossed, I try to look nonchalant as she enters our bedroom, at first she looks like she’s gonna hand me
my ass; then takes in her surroundings, her eyes softening. Yeeeeeaah, this shit just might work. Letting my gaze leisurely travel from her feet then up to her beautiful face, “Hey baby.” Pushing off the door frame, bringing myself to my full height, I watch as she looks around the room. A seductive smile forms on her lips as she asks, “What is all of this?” Taking deliberately slow steps towards her, I lick my lips, staring directly in her eyes running my finger down her cheek, then across her bottom lip, “Well, you have had your face buried in 50 Shades and I figured you needed Shades of me... Are you willing to play Lhanna?” Hearing a sharp intake of breath and watching as her eyes turn from a light green, to a deep green she nods saying, “Yes, yes I’m willing to play with you Calin.” I can smell her arousal from here.

Dolhanna: After reading the abrupt text message, my curiosity is peaked and I’m a little pissed at the Neanderthal demand. Take a shower before I return home? What the hell is he up to? OK, a quick shower, I head back home. Once in the living roo
m, I call out for Calin and hear him answer me from our bedroom. Heading down the hall the scent of vanilla fills the air and I raise an eyebrow in question. Walking into the bedroom, Calin is leaning against the door frame looking too damn sexy, wearing those Armani jeans I love so much on him and nothing else. No shirt, no shoes and his hair is pulled back in a ponytail. Vanilla scented candles are spread throughout the bedroom, it smells divine... He is so damn carnal, all raw male, full of sensual promise; he is definitely up to something. I feel my desire starting to rise. Giving him a slow smile I ask, “What is all of this?” Hearing his response causes my body to instantly react. Do I want to play?? Damn straight I do. “Yes, yes I am willing to play with you Calin.” Slowly walking to him, stopping directly in front of him, eyes downcast, heart thumping in my chest, my breathing is shallow and quick wondering what he will do. “What is that you want from me?” I look up into eyes that are so dark a purple they almost look black...

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